#ANWBverkeer - De #N99 is voorlopig DICHT door politie-onderzoek. Omrijden kan via 't Zand over de N249 en de N9
#ANWBverkeer - Ongeluk op de #N99 Den Oever ◄► Den Helder, weg is DICHT tussen Anna Paulowna en Den Helder.
➡ Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses
The pooled results of RCTs did not show a clear reduction in respiratory viral infection with the use of medical/surgical masks. There were no clear differences between the use of medical/surgical masks compared with N95/P2 respirators in healthcare workers when used in routine care to reduce respiratory viral infection.
Research study:
➡ Respiratory Performance Offered by N95 Respirators and Surgical Masks: Human Subject Evaluation with NaCl Aerosol Representing Bacterial and Viral Particle Size Range
Most of the tested N95 respirators and surgical masks in this study were observed to perform at their worst against particles approximately between 0.04 and 0.2 μm, which includes the sizes of coronavirus and influenza virus.
➡ The Foegen effect
A mechanism by which facemasks contribute to the COVID-19 case fatality rate
This study revealed that wearing facemasks might impose a great risk on individuals, which would not be mitigated by a reduction in the infection rate. The use of facemasks, therefore, might be unfit, if not contraindicated, as an epidemiologic intervention against COVID-19.
Opinion articles:
➡ The Mask Mandates Did Nothing. Will Any Lessons Be Learned?
➡ Does this finally put the mask debate to bed? ‘Gold standard’ analysis of 78 studies and 1million people finds face coverings made ‘little to no difference’ to Covid infection or death rates
➡ Do We Need Mask Mandates?
The science suggests that more states should consider rescinding them.
➡ The Real Science on Masks: They Make No Difference
#MaskMandate #CovidLong #LongCovid #N95s #n95 #FFP2 #ffp3 #n99 #COVID #COVID19
#maskmandate #CovidLong #ffp3 #n99 #LongCovid #N95s #n95 #FFP2 #COVID #COVID19
Q. What was the origin of the #pandemic?
A. The origin of the pandemic was:
- governments and medical professionals lying to the public about how Covid spread (#CovidIsAirborne by #aerosols) - - and refusing to tell anyone how to protect themselves (#N95, #N99, #P100, #P3 #elastomeric #respirator #masks, #HEPA filters, #CleanTheAir)
- and talking nonsense about handwashing instead
The origin of the virus is irrelevant.
HEPA filters and P100 respirator masks would have prevented the PANDEMIC.
#Pandemic #COVIDisAirborne #aerosols #n95 #n99 #P100 #p3 #elastomeric #respirator #masks #HEPA #CleanTheAir
➡️ Please consider boosting; remember on Mastodon there's no algorithm and 'liking' is only seen by the author
➡️ The best mask is an N95, but all masks work
➡️ Double masking or overmasking
➡️ FAQs are:
❓ Does it make a difference?
❓ Which mask should go on top, the cloth mask or the medical mask?
❓ What about two cloth masks?
❓ Or two medical masks?
➡️ Answers at updated page:
#SystemsApproaches #CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver.#DoAllTheThings #ventilation #filtration #PaidSickDays #BringBackMasks #WearAMask #MasksSaveLives #MaskeAuf #MaskUp #MaskMandate #MaskMandateNow #CovidLong #LongCovid #N95s #n95 #FFP2 #ffp3 #n99
#WeNotMe #MaskUp #maskmandatenow #FFP2 #ffp3 #CovidIsNotOver #ventilation #filtration #WearAMask #CovidLong #LongCovid #SystemsApproaches #COVIDisAirborne #DoAllTheThings #BringBackMasks #MasksSaveLives #maskmandate #N95s #BetterMasks #MasksWork #paidsickdays #MaskeAuf #n95 #n99
I get really terrible PSAs from government agencies on my Facebook feed.
I comment on all of them telling them they need to talk about how #CovidIsAirborne, #InfluenzaIsAirborne, #RSVIsAirborne, it's stopped by #N95, #N99, #P100 masks, #HEPA filters, #CorsiRosenthalBoxes, and I drop a link to https://its-airborne.org .
Maybe I'll reach someone. I'm now doing more public health work than the CDC, WHO, or the state health department, which is ridiculous.
#COVIDisAirborne #influenzaisairborne #rsvisairborne #n95 #n99 #P100 #HEPA #corsirosenthalboxes
Hate that I even have to ask this but has anyone in Canada (or more specifically #Toronto #GTA) had issues wearing half face respirators to the hospital? I’m mainly worried about doctors labeling me paranoid or a hypochondriac… but I also have a long day coming up and want the best protection. It’s between the half face P100 or a headband #N99 with shield or goggles. #covid #sarscov2 #maskswork #covidisairborne
#toronto #GTA #n99 #covid #sarscov2 #MasksWork #COVIDisAirborne
New eligibility for PCR testing in Ontario.
#Covid symptoms plus
➡️Everyone >60y
➡️>18y with a high-risk condition
➡️>18y with <2 vaccine doses
➡️>18y with >6m since last vaccine or last Covid infection
➡️ all the previously eligible groups (frontline workers, pregnant people, people who are immunocompromised etc)
#Paxlovid eligibility expanded too (same page, scroll down):
➡️Everyone >60y
➡️>18y with a high-risk condition or immunocompromised
➡️>18y with <2 vaccine doses
➡️>18y with >6m since last vaccine or last Covid infection
Where to get tested:
Self-certify 'I'm eligible' if you are in one of those groups.
In #HamOnt|Hamilton
Don't rely on test-and-treat or vaccination. Prevent community transmission to a vulnerable person and prevent #LongCovid with #Masks and #Ventilation
#SystemsApproaches #CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver.#DoAllTheThings #ventilation #filtration #PaidSickDays #BringBackMasks #WearAMask #MasksSaveLives #MaskeAuf #MaskUp #MaskMandate #MaskMandateNow #CovidLong #LongCovid #N95s #n95 #FFP2 #ffp3 #n99 #CovidTesting #BringBackTesting
#COVID #BetterMasks #MasksWork #SystemsApproaches #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #DoAllTheThings #filtration #paidsickdays #BringBackMasks #WearAMask #MasksSaveLives #MaskeAuf #MaskUp #PAXLOVID #hamont #LongCovid #masks #ventilation #maskmandate #maskmandatenow #CovidLong #N95s #n95 #FFP2 #ffp3 #n99 #CovidTesting #bringbacktesting
Please boost
➡️*New resource* for advocates for Masks in Schools
➡️We have created a FAQ page and a downloadable, customizable template summarizing arguments for mask requirements in schools:
➡️Mask mandates in schools reduce student and teacher absences
➡️4% of children with COVID will get long covid
@MyraBatchelder @nilikm #WeNotMe
#SystemsApproaches #CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver.#DoAllTheThings #ventilation #filtration #PaidSickDays #BringBackMasks #WearAMask #MasksSaveLives #MaskeAuf #MaskUp #MaskMandate #MaskMandateNow #CovidLong #LongCovid #N95s #n95 #FFP2 #ffp3 #n99
#CovidLong #LongCovid #WeNotMe #CovidIsNotOver #DoAllTheThings #paidsickdays #FFP2 #BetterMasks #MasksWork #n95 #n99 #COVIDisAirborne #ventilation #MasksSaveLives #MaskeAuf #MaskUp #maskmandatenow #SystemsApproaches #filtration #BringBackMasks #WearAMask #maskmandate #N95s #ffp3
We need clean air. #DavosStandard #DavosSafe #CleanTheAir
Or, people could keep listening to these doofuses:
"We have to go back to normal by drinking shit-filled water out of the sewer. When are we going to stop drinking clean water? You can't drink clean water forever!" -- this is what the #Covid minimizers sound like.
Get #HEPA filters, #P100 #N99 #N95 #FFP3 #respirator #masks, #CorsiRosenthalBox
#davosstandard #davossafe #CleanTheAir #covid #COVIDisAirborne #HEPA #P100 #n99 #n95 #ffp3 #respirator #masks #corsirosenthalbox
Dear #Lazyweb --
Does anyone know of trustworthy #N99 (or equivalent, and not #N95) #respirators that are on the larger size?
I have tried https://wellbefore.com/products/wellbefore-n99-respirator-mask-niosh-approved and like them, but they are too short vertically and my chin wants to pop out when I speak.
#lazyweb #n99 #n95 #respirators #covid #COVID19 #wearamask #covidisstillhere
The benefits of NPIs, specifically #elastomeric #respirator #masks (#N99, #FFP3, #P3, #P100) and #HEPA filters, are monumental. Frankly boosters and treatment access do much, much less.
#FFP3s ended in-hospital transmission (Cambridge, UK): https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/upgrading-ppe-for-staff-working-on-covid-19-wards-cut-hospital-acquired-infections-dramatically
Covid in hospital air before #HEPA installed, gone after #HEPA installed (Cambridge, UK again): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34718446/
#elastomeric #respirator #masks #n99 #ffp3 #p3 #P100 #HEPA #ffp3s
@rchusid Now we just need @WHO to mention #N95, #N99, #P100, #FFP2, #FFP3, #P3, #KF94, and/or #KN95 #elastomeric #respirators -- the ones which *work* -- rather than just vaguely saying "masks".
Cloth & surgical junk masks are 30% effective -- better than nothing.
#N95 and reusable #P100 #elastomeric #respirators are >95% effective -- MUCH better. And they're cheap enough.
#n95 #n99 #P100 #FFP2 #ffp3 #p3 #KF94 #KN95 #elastomeric #respirators
Step one is to get a quality #respirator #mask -- #N95, #N99. #P100, #KN95, #KF94, #FFP2, #FFP3, #P3 -- I prefer #elastomeric P100.
Step two is to wear it ( #WearAMask ) when around other people, because anyone could be infected.
Step three is to put a #HEPA filter or #CorsiRosenthalBox in your home (and business if you have one).
#CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #Influenza #Flu #FluIsAirborne #RSV #RSVIsAirborne
(Just adding some #hashtags so more people will see your post)
#respirator #mask #n95 #n99 #P100 #KN95 #KF94 #FFP2 #ffp3 #p3 #elastomeric #WearAMask #HEPA #corsirosenthalbox #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #influenza #flu #FluIsAirborne #rsv #rsvisairborne #hashtags
#N95, similar, or better.
#KF94, #KN95, and #FFP2 are similar.
#N99 and #FFP3 are better.
#P3 and #P100 are even better, and are always resuable (cheaper in the long run)
But what matters most is a tight fit. #Elastomeric #respirators (rubber or silicone edge) usually fit better. Straps behind the head always -- earloops almost never fit well.
I wear the 3M 6300 with #P100 filters -- it's a reusable #elastomeric.
#n95 #KF94 #KN95 #FFP2 #n99 #ffp3 #p3 #P100 #elastomeric #respirators
@actagainstcovid Not disagreeing. But we need real community-led responses, not astroturfed stuff. I won't boost an article unless it mentions either #respirator #masks (#N95, #KN95, #KF94, #FFP2, #FFP3, #N99, #P100), #HEPA filters, or the #CorsiRosenthalBox.
#respirator #masks #n95 #KN95 #KF94 #FFP2 #ffp3 #n99 #P100 #HEPA #corsirosenthalbox
You are not anywhere near "out the other side" -- Covid's still running amok in Canada - averaging 2300 new *reported* cases/day, but most people are just doing home tests & not reporting!
Yeah, things are getting terrible in China, but they're still very bad in Canada and the US, despite dishonest government "happy talk".
Protect yourself! #N95, #N99, #KF94, #P100, find a #respirator #mask which fits and is comfortable. FloMask is usually the favorite for kids.
#n95 #n99 #KF94 #P100 #respirator #mask
It's the lack of airborne infection control in the hospitals & doctor's offices which really terrifies me.
Here in the US, my partner was infected by doctor's offices. Twice.
The offices STILL have no ventilation, no air filtration, no #N95 / #N99 / #P100 / #FFP2 / #FFP3 / #P3 #respirator #masks.
Even though Cambridge proved that #HEPA
removes Covid from the air. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34718446/
#n95 #n99 #P100 #FFP2 #ffp3 #p3 #respirator #masks #HEPA #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver