Nul1 or Zero1 in English... A project I came up with some years ago...
#Nul1 #Zero1 #ZeroOne #NulEen #Brandname #New #registeredtrademark #Name #Naam #Dutch #LogoDesign #BrandDesign #Branding #BrandCreation #Creative #Groningen #GraphicDesign #Advertising #BrandBooks #Identity #CorporateIdentity #Sceafa #SceafaStudios #SXM #DutchDesign #Designer #StMaarten
#nul1 #zero1 #zeroone #nuleen #brandname #new #registeredtrademark #name #naam #dutch #logodesign #branddesign #branding #brandcreation #creative #groningen #graphicdesign #advertising #brandbooks #identity #corporateIdentity #sceafa #sceafastudios #sxm #dutchdesign #designer #stmaarten
Hallo allemaal,
ik heb een kleine #vraagje:
Zijn ze in #Nederland wat een #musea, waar kunnen ze #blinde #mensen alles #aanraken?
als wel, dan zou ik over die #musea heel graag te weten.
bijvoorbeeld met een manier:
#Eindhoven, #museum met #spelletje, en dan zijn #naam.
#naam #spelletje #museum #eindhoven #aanraken #mensen #blinde #musea #nederland #vraagje
Kijk, dat is belangrijk: nazaten tot slaaf gemaakten kunnen #naam gratis veranderen: ‘Draait om zelfbeschikking’.
Kijk, dat is belangrijk: nazaten tot slaaf gemaakten kunnen #naam gratis veranderen: ‘Draait om zelfbeschikking’.
I rarely talk about being adopted. I was trained not to. Like other #adoptees, I've ruminated on questions about my personal history. I know the answers now to some of these. Others may always feel like open questions.
Who am I?
What was my original name?
Where am I from?
Who am I from?
Where was I before I joined my family?
Who cared for me along the way?
What belongs to me?
Where and to what do I belong?
Do I belong?
#NAAM #NationalAdoptionAwarenessMonth #adoptee #AdopteeVoices
#adoptees #naam #nationaladoptionawarenessmonth #adoptee #adopteevoices
#Aspidistrafly #CaetanoVeloso #Gwenno #Jónsi #Jonsi #TheLas #BethJeansHoughton #PerfumeGenius #Rinse #SuperFurryAnimals #CSNY #Efterklang #KitchensOfDistinction #OuzoBazooka #BeachFossils #Alvvays #DavidSylvian #naam #DuncanBrowne #HereWeGoMagic #WashedOut #MosesSumney #NataliaLafourcade #TheKnife #ArcticMonkeys #KateBush #BatForLashes #JaySom #Unloved #JohnnyMarr #Lush #Tungg #BelleAndSebastian #Pulp #SergeGainsbourg #Tonstartssbandht #MiguelBosé #MiguelBose
#aspidistrafly #caetanoveloso #gwenno #jonsi #thelas #bethjeanshoughton #perfumegenius #rinse #SuperFurryAnimals #csny #efterklang #kitchensofdistinction #ouzobazooka #beachfossils #Alvvays #davidsylvian #naam #duncanbrowne #herewegomagic #washedout #mosessumney #natalialafourcade #theknife #arcticmonkeys #katebush #batforlashes #jaysom #unloved #johnnymarr #lush #tungg #belleandsebastian #pulp #sergegainsbourg #tonstartssbandht #miguelbose
#adoption #AdopteeVoices #NAAM
There is no honest discussion of adoption that does not include a discussion of the horror that is its precondition: severance.
#adoption #adopteevoices #naam
Children should not be expected to complete or make a family whole. That being said, adoption is not a way to “start a family,” nor is it the most ethical. Adoptees are not a way to satisfy your Good Samaritan desires of waiving around the fact that you “saved this child.” We are individuals, not products or commodities that you use to make yourself feel emotionally better as a parent/spouse. Adoption is trauma. Adoptees are human. #adoptee #adoptees #adopted #naam
#naam #adopted #adoptees #adoptee
Children should not be expected to complete or make a family whole. That being said, adoption is not a way to “start a family,” nor is it the most ethical. Adoptees are not a way to satisfy your Good Samaritan desires of waiving around the fact that you “saved this child.” We are individuals, not products or commodities that you use to make yourself feel emotionally better as a parent/spouse. Adoption is trauma. Adoptees are human. #adoptee #adoptees #adopted #naam
#naam #adopted #adoptees #adoptee
#librarians are there any #publiclibraries hosting #adopteecentric programs during #NAAM | #NationalAdoptionAwarenessMonth ?
#adoptees #adopteevoices are sadly under-represented - particularly across the United States. As a member of Adoptees Unite (, I also serve as a researcher on our content team. I can attest to it being incredibly difficult to find materials scholarly or otherwise presented in an adoptee centric & inclusive fashion.
#adopteevoices #adoptees #nationaladoptionawarenessmonth #naam #adopteecentric #publiclibraries #librarians
Possibly one good thing about twitter going kablooey is that it feels like #NAAM has been a bit quieter on the "adoption rules" front?
I’m an adoptive parent with some very unpopular opinions about adoption and family separation. In short, we must reimagine child-centered care and help families in crisis stay together. And I’m intensely aware of how I’ve benefitted from a harmful system.
It’s National Adoption Awareness Month (#NAAM) when pro-adoption orgs & adopters celebrate and encourage adoption. Instead, I urge everyone to seek out ways to listen to adopted/displaced people and center their voices and experiences.
Listen to the Satsangs Every Day -- Baba Ram Singh -- Post @ Blogspot:
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#Radhasoami #Radhaswami #SantMat #Sant_Mat #Satsang #SantRamSingh #Attention #Surat #SuratShabdYoga #Meditation #Spirituality #InnerLightAndSound #Naam #Simran #Dhyan #Bhajan #PaltuSahib #Bhakti
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Inner Sound Meditation: "Who else is Christ but the Sound of God?" (Acts of John) Blog @ Blogspot:
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#SoundCurrent #AudibleLifeStream #Shabd #Naam #Shabda #MusicOfTheSpheres #SuratShabdYoga #SantMat #Sant_Mat #Radhaswami #Satsang #Meditation #Spirituality #Consciousness #Bhakti #God #Mysticism #FriendsOfGod #MusicOfTheSpheres #Word #Logos #SongOfCreation
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PODCAST: An Introduction to the Spiritual Practices of Sant Mat, the Path of the Masters, Introductory Meditation Instructions -- Spiritual Awakening Radio With James Bean @ Youtube:
#SantMat #Meditation #MeditationForBeginners #JamesBean #SpiritualAwakeningRadio #Podcasts #Spirituality #SpiritualPodcasts #SpiritualRadio #Consciousness #ThirdEye #Naam #SpiritualQuotes
#spirituality #thirdeye #naam #spiritualquotes #meditation #MeditationForBeginners #spiritualawakeningradio #podcasts #consciousness #santmat #jamesbean #spiritualpodcasts #spiritualradio