DJ Sures is human filth, and he has been given formal notice to remove all my work from his site.
You'll see how much he really cares about credit where it's due. He won't remove my straight booting games from his site any more than he's going to stop stealing the code out of my adaptor emulator without following the license.
#Boycott DJ Stealz.
#boycott #Nabu #nabupc #nabucomputer
#Nabu #retrocomputers #retropc #nabucomputer #retrogaming
Here's the output of the #NabuComputer PRINT CHR$(C) from 32 to 255 in basic. There seems to be a few system commands as well as code 140 to clear the screen.
#NABU Computer's #BadApple #Demo with #Music
#NABUComputer #BadAppleDemo #TextGraphics #TextMode #TextModeGraphics #Retro #RetroComputing #RetroComputer #RetroComputers #Gaming #RetroGaming #8Bit #CPM #Canadian
#canadian #cpm #8bit #retrogaming #gaming #retrocomputers #retrocomputer #retrocomputing #retro #textmodegraphics #textmode #textgraphics #badappledemo #nabucomputer #music #demo #badapple #nabu