Practicing mending is fun! I think I'm getting better at it. (And the daughter says she loves it.)
#VisualMending #NachKaputtKommtSchöner
#VisualMending #nachkaputtkommtschoner
Practicing mending is fun! I think I'm getting better at it.
#VisualMending #NachKaputtKommtSchöner
#VisualMending #nachkaputtkommtschoner
Before I want to start working on one of my favourite jackets I practiced some visible mending on a cowl with what feels like a millions tiny holes - only in the light green part for whatever reason. Good that there's still some holes left for practicing! There's still a lot of room for improvement.
#VisibleMending #NachKaputtKommtSchöner #Stopfen #darning #repairingiscaring
#visiblemending #nachkaputtkommtschoner #stopfen #darning #repairingiscaring
Before I want to start working on one of my favourite jackets I practiced some visible mending on a cowl with what feels like a millions tiny holes - only in the light green part for whatever reason. Good that there's still some holes left for practicing! There's still a lot of room for improvement.
#visiblemending #nachkaputtkommtschoner #stopfen
Before I want to start working on one of my favourite jackets I practiced some visible mending on a cowl with what feels like a millions tiny holes - only in the light green part for whatever reason. Good that there's still some holes left for practicing! There's still a lot of room for improvement.
#visiblemending #nachkaputtkommtschoner #stopfen