“The country's national vaccine advisers #NACI are recommending #Canadians get another #COVID19 booster shot this fall, with updated vaccines expected in the months ahead.”
Global News BC: B.C. preparing for fall rollout of new Omicron COVID-19 vaccine #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Dr.BonnieHenry #Omicronvariant #COVIDbooster #BonnieHenry #COVIDupdate #COVIDshot #COVID-19 #Booster #Omicron #Health #COVID #naci
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #Dr #OmicronVariant #covidbooster #BonnieHenry #COVIDupdate #covidshot #covid #booster #Omicron #health #naci
#drone #flight over the neighborhood. #dronephotography #autelrobotics #autel #autelnanoplus #naci
#drone #flight #dronephotography #autelrobotics #autel #autelnanoplus #naci “all #Canadians five years old and up should get #immunized against #COVID19 with a full primary series .. a #PrimarySeries is #TwoDoses of a COVID-19 #vaccine, at a recommended interval of #EightWeeks apart.
#NACI states that “#children 6 months to under 5 years of age may be immunized with a primary series of an authorized mRNA vaccine.”
NACI further recommends a #BoosterDose six months after the last dose of a primary course for everyone aged five years old and up.”
#canadians #immunized #COVID19 #primaryseries #twodoses #Vaccine #eightweeks #naci #children #boosterdose
“The National Advisory Committee on Immunization (#NACI) says people at a high risk of serious illness should get another #COVID19Booster shot in the spring.
People aged 80 and older, people aged 65 to 79 (particularly those who’ve never had COVID), people living in long-term care homes or other congregate living situations, and people aged 18 and older who are immunocompromised are encouraged to book a vaccine appointment.”
I have just noticed that #NACI #sarscov2 #immunization recommendations for #Canada on boosters seems to have shifted.
Jan 20, 2023 publication that supports reboosting as immunity wanes for "Those at increased risk for severe illness from #COVID19 "
Today's #NACI statement seems to change to a much smaller select list of people at risk,
This appears to be bad news given mAbs waning.
#naci #sarscov2 #immunization #canada #covid19