Ryan Cohen the #CEO of #Gamestop recently called out Christian #Klein of #SAP and #Satya #Nadella from #Microsoft. I don't believe he does this bc he is in a weak position. The opposite might be the case, he has some tech advantage over them or a powerfull guardian angel.
Something is going on in the tech sphere which might surprise many one day.
Probably Warren Buffet and surely Carl Icahn are backing him.
#future #web3 #microsoft #nadella #satya #sap #klein #gamestop #ceo
Satya #Nadella on what #ChatGPT is good for.
"I’ve attempted [to read #Heidegger] a thousand times and failed. ... But I must say, you know, going and asking ChatGPT or Bing Chat to summarize Heidegger is the best way to read Heidegger."
@GossiTheDog $55M for what?
I sincerely doubt #Nadella is bringing in so much #revenue & #profit compared to the average worker that this is reasonable and justified.
And sadly this shit is only getting worse.
I know people that made $15M deals happen as a team and they could barely get a cake through controlling - noone got even a single $ pay raise.
‘On a call with investors #Microsoft executives said its #AI capabilities were not a big driver for last quarter, but chief executive Satya #Nadella said the company was now “having conversations we never had” with clients keen to leverage AI. Microsoft was particularly well positioned at the “very start” of a new cycle, Nadella added.’ #cloud
#microsoft #AI #nadella #Cloud
#SamAltman is the public face of #OpenAI.
He is the Doc #Frankenstein of our time because he sees the evidence (before most of us) but cannot integrate it into his#WorldModel (to stretch a fashionable term).
He thus is now one of the smartest dumbest people on the planet , together with #IlyaSutskever, #Nadella and all the rest.
I can’t decide how is the smartest dumbest person overall: #SamAltman or the scientist at #Exxon who predicted #ClimateChange 50 years ago.
#samaltman #openai #frankenstein #ilyasutskever #nadella #Exxon #climatechange #unpluai
gt0623 – NEWS – Frage an ChatGPT
Eine spontane Dr
#News #Podcast #@achimh #@m_wlod #@pokipsie #AI #AppleTV #AppleWatch #AppleWatchUltra #Chat #Disney #Event #Feature #Funktion #google #GoogleBard #HomePod #iFixit #In-EarKopfhörer #iPhone #KeePass #KI #Kopfhörer #Media-Center #Microsoft #Nadella #news #Office #OnePlus #PasswortManager #Podcast #Sicherheitslücke #Smartphone #Streaming #Testbericht #Unfallerkennung #VoiceTagging #Wettbewerb
#news #podcast #ai #appletv #applewatch #AppleWatchUltra #chat #disney #event #feature #funktion #google #googlebard #homepod #ifixit #in #iphone #keepass #ki #kopfhorer #media #microsoft #nadella #office #oneplus #passwortmanager #sicherheitslucke #smartphone #streaming #Testbericht #Unfallerkennung #voicetagging #wettbewerb
The Economist: How will Satya Nadella handle Microsoft’s ChatGPT moment?
... "Once again Mr Nadella is giddy with “this-is-the-future” euphoria." ...
#nadella #microsoft #ai #chatgpt
#Microsoft hat offenbar bereits 3 Mrd. $ in den #KI-Entwickler #OpenAI investiert und möchte weitere 10 Mrd. $ investieren. Microsoft-Chef #Nadella sieht ein goldenes Zeitalter voraus.
#microsoft #ki #OpenAI #nadella #chatgpt #dalle
Auch in der aktuellen unsicheren Wirtschaftslage sieht #Microsoft die #Cloud als Chance. Unternehmen würden verstärkt auf Technologie setzen, um sich für die Wirtschaftslage zu rüsten, prognostiziert Konzernchef Satya #Nadella. Vor allem Cloud-Dienste mit Rechenleistung, Software und Speicher aus dem Internet seien gerade in Zeiten der Unsicherheit gut, um die Kosten im Griff zu halten, argumentierte er. Microsoft sei mit seinen Angeboten gut positioniert, um davon zu profitieren.
Satya #Nadella war für mich ein #Microsoft Chef schon immer der skrupellose Pragmatiker, der für Erfolg so ziemlich alles tut.
Und dass von #GIMP im #MicrosoftStore verfügbar ist, ist ein weiteres bemerkenswertes Puzzleteil diesbezüglich.
#nadella #microsoft #gimp #microsoftstore
So #Microsoft under Satya #Nadella does sell pretty much everything that somehow brings money:
#Cloudcomputing, #Linux - and #Babylon5 in it's online store.
#microsoft #nadella #cloudcomputing #linux #babylon5
Also #Microsoft unter Satya #Nadella macht so ziemlich alles, was irgendwie Geld bringt:
#CloudComputing, #Linux - und #Babylon5 im Online-Shop verkaufen.
#cloudcomputing #linux #microsoft #nadella #babylon5
Die Selbstverständlichkeit von #Microsoft in fremden Eigentum nach eigenem Gusto zu Schalten und Walten, ist schäbig. Genauso Überwachung Sicherheit zu nennen.
Besucht mal #Nadella und sagt ihm, was er in seinem Haus nicht darf. Ob ihm das gefällt?
Stampa Rassegnata 093 27Gen-3Feb https://wombat.noblogs.org/2020/02/03/stampa-rassegnata-093-27gen-3feb/ #giornodellamemoria.mandelaforum #manifestazionecontrolaguerra #antifascismoelettorale #movimentotutelaalberi #PNOStampaRassegnata #appelloaigiovani #Fridaysforfuture #rischionucleare #alessiabettini #verdepubblico #abbattimenti #inceneritore #inquinamento #studentimedi #medioriente #aeroporto #patto2020 ##sardine #nadella #nowar #piana #Renzi #pace #smog
#giornodellamemoria #manifestazionecontrolaguerra #antifascismoelettorale #movimentotutelaalberi #pnostamparassegnata #appelloaigiovani #fridaysforfuture #rischionucleare #alessiabettini #verdepubblico #abbattimenti #inceneritore #inquinamento #studentimedi #medioriente #aeroporto #patto2020 #sardine #nadella #nowar #piana #renzi #pace #smog