🔵 La barca a vela di @resqship_int ha soccorso 25 persone da un’imbarcazione non adatta alla navigazione. Nelle ultime 24 ore l’equipaggio ha assistito oltre 100 persone in 3 casi di pericolo. Sono state soccorse dalla Guardia Costiera e fatte sbarcare a .RESQSHIP: 🔴 (1/2) UPDATE#Nadir just rescued 25 people from an unseaworthy boat, including several young children and babies. A lot has happened since our crew left Lampedusa yesterday: In less than 24 hours, our crew was able to assist another 100 people from 3 boats in distress.

#nadir #lampedusa

Last updated 1 year ago

Re 🔵 Tutte le persone assistite da , oltre a 19 a bordo del veliero, sono state soccorse dalla Guardia Costiera, mentre le restanti persone a bordo dell'imbarcazione civile sono sbarcate a .Grazie @resqship_int! Benvenutə in !twitter.com/resqship_int/statu) At around 10 p.m., the Italian Coast Guard rescued all the people of the four boats and took 19 people off the Nadir. In the morning hours, the Nadir reached Lampedusa, where the 119 people could safely go ashore.📸 @DavidLohmueller

#nadir #lampedusa #europa

Last updated 1 year ago

🔵 Mercoledì scorso la barca a vela di @resqship_int ha soccorso 138 persone e ne ha assistite altre 140 su 4 imbarcazioni, grazie al supporto dell'aereo di @PVolontaires. 1/2RESQSHIP: (1/3) Non-stop operation: Yesterday, found 8 boats in distress within 14h, with a total of 341 people on board. Our crew distributed life jackets and provided first aid. In cooperation with the IT Coast Guard and @pilotesvolontaires, the crew assisted several 100 refugees. t.co/y9LifiOofx

#nadir #colibrì #civilfleet

Last updated 1 year ago

🔵 La scorsa notte decine di imbarcazioni in fuga dalla violenza razzista in hanno affrontato la rotta verso : la barca a vela di @resqship_int ha assistito decine di persone e ne ha poi soccorse 99 che sono state sbarcate sull'isola. 1/4RESQSHIP: 🔴[1/3] UPDATE: is supporting hundreds of ppl in distress in several operations. "The horizon was full of lights, there were people in distress everywhere," is how the crew described it. Last night, our crew encountered 2 boats in danger of capsizing, with approx. 100 ppl. t.co/9Ux2oERaY0

#tunisia #lampedusa #nadir

Last updated 1 year ago

🔴 Mentre piangiamo di rabbia per le vittime del nuovo naufragio, continuano gli sforzi di , Guardia Costiera e GdF italiane per soccorrere a largo di :oggi di @resqship_int ha soccorso e sbarcato 45 persone e assistito altre 65 in pericolo👇🏿 twitter.com/resqship_int/statu: 🔴(1/3) supports 2 boats and brings 45 ppl to Lampedusa. t.co/0JuCpyJQb8

#flottacivile #lampedusa #nadir

Last updated 1 year ago

🔴 Da due giorni, con il bel tempo in mare, sono riprese le partenze da e verso .La barca a vela @resqship_int ha assistito decine di persone in difficoltà fino all'arrivo di GdF e Guardia Costiera italiane. Grazie!twitter.com/resqship_int/statu] Breaking: The Nadir crew assisted approx. 35 ppl. in distress on an overcrowded wooden boat. The boat had a low freeboard and a poor stability. Their engine was still running, so the Nadir accompanied them towards Lampedusa until the Guardia di Finanza came. t.co/6rfSUjBKTJ

#libia #tunisia #lampedusa #nadir

Last updated 1 year ago

🔵 Dall'alba di @resqship_int ha assistito una barca in pericolo, segnalata da @alarm_phone, con 130 persone a bordo, tra cui 15 bambinə, fino all'arrivo della @guardiacostiera italiana, che le ha tratte in salvo, 55 miglia a sud-ovest di . Grazie a tuttə!RESQSHIP: 🔴[1/4] In the early hours of the morning, the Nadir found an overcrowded wooden boat with two decks and 130 people on board. The crew became aware of the distress at sea via @alarm_phone. t.co/rtYfpBG1Jl

#nadir #lampedusa

Last updated 2 years ago

🔴 La scorsa notte la barca a vela di @resqship_int ha assistito 6 imbarcazioni in difficoltà, per un totale di 234 persone, a sud di .3 di loro sono disperse, 38 soccorse da 3 barche di pescatori e poi tratte a bordo da una motovedetta della Guardia Costiera.RESQSHIP: 🔴 (1/3) UPDATE: Last night, the Nadir assisted a total of 234 people from six boats in distress, within 5 hours. 3 people are missing. Around 6 pm, the Nadir reached a distress case where the boat had already capsized. 38 people were pulled out of the water by 3 fishing boats. t.co/DcSzz80Z0a

#nadir #lampedusa

Last updated 2 years ago

#ColonialismIsNotOver · @infolekiosk
201 followers · 1802 posts · Server mamot.fr

RT @RescueMed
🔵 Da ieri sera barca a vela @resqship_int ha assistito un'imbarcazione in pericolo, individuata da , a sud di . I 35 naufraghi sono stati poi soccorsi all'alba e sbarcati sull'isola dalla Guardia Costiera italiana.


#nadir #seabird #lampedusa

Last updated 2 years ago

🔵 Da ieri sera barca a vela @resqship_int ha assistito un'imbarcazione in pericolo, individuata da , a sud di . I 35 naufraghi sono stati poi soccorsi all'alba e sbarcati sull'isola dalla Guardia Costiera italiana.twitter.com/resqship_int/statu] Yesterday evening our crew encountered an overcrowded boat, with 35 people from Gambia and Bangladesh on board, which was previously spotted by Seabird. Our crew reported the case and provided the people with life jackets. t.co/TXchBDWhpv

#nadir #seabird #lampedusa

Last updated 2 years ago

🔵 Oggi la barca a vela @resqship_int ha soccorso 41 persone in pericolo a bordo di una barca in zona di responsabilità maltese. Tra di loro una donna incinta, un bambino di 4 anni e altri minori. Le Autorità Italiane hanno assegnato per lo sbarco. twitter.com/resqship_int/statu: 🔴(1/2) Just as the Nadir reached the area of operation, our crew encountered a unstable boat in the Maltese SAR zone. In a one-hour rescue operation, the crew was able to rescue all 41 people and take them on board. The Italian authorities then assigned the port of Lampedusa. t.co/zrEKTjsLwd

#nadir #sar #lampedusa

Last updated 2 years ago

Radio Dreyeckland · @RDL
1181 followers · 439 posts · Server freiburg.social

"Die tötet noch immer - Wir sind traurig und wir sind wütend" - Kundgebung am Freitag in @SeebrueckeFreiburg nachdem am Sonntag das 22 Menschen gerettet, 2 Leichen aus dem Wasser geholt hat und vermutlich bis zu 20 Menschen nicht mehr finden konnte. Bei uns könnt ihr ein Interview und eine Audiobotschaft des Kapitäns der Nadir hören. rdl.de/beitrag/menschen-sterbe

#festungeuropa #freiburg #Resqship #nadir #seenotrettung

Last updated 2 years ago

infolAlies · @infolAlies
190 followers · 1123 posts · Server mstdn.social

1/3 Last weekend, at least 23 people drowned.
The rescue vessel from @resqship was alerted to a boat in distress. By the time they reached the boat it had already capsised, about 2 hours before.

Twenty people were rescued and two dead bodies were reco


Last updated 2 years ago

1/3 Last weekend, at least 23 people drowned.The rescue vessel from @resqship was alerted to a boat in distress. By the time they reached the boat it had already capsised, about 2 hours before. Twenty people were rescued and two dead bodies were recovered. t.co/LjSKs6JGWV


Last updated 2 years ago

AAA · @infolekiosk
178 followers · 1162 posts · Server mamot.fr

RT @Maldusa_Project
Another massacre in the sea. Last night at least 23 people were killed at sea, despite attempts to rescue them. Death at sea is not an accident & is not inevitable. It can be stopped by abolishing borders and creating freedom of movement for all twitter.com/resqship_int/statu

#mediterranean #nadir #borderskill

Last updated 2 years ago

⚫️ Nella notte ha soccorso 22 superstiti di un naufragio a sud di . Ma almeno altre 23 persone hanno perso la vita: l'ennesima tragedia evitabile se i governi aprissero canali legali e sicuri d'ingresso in . Nel dolore siamo solidali con @resqship_int. twitter.com/resqship_int/statu: 🔴 [1/4] Speechless and devastated. After hours of non-stop distress cases, our crew was alerted to another DC. When they arrived they found about 25 people in the water – they had been in there for about 2 hours already. Our crew was able to recover 22 survivors and 2 deceased. t.co/iiqCvw2BEr

#nadir #lampedusa #europa

Last updated 2 years ago

🔵 Da ieri, sulla rotta dalla a , la barca a vela @resqship_int è impegnata in attività di monitoraggio: grazie a segnalazioni aereo @seawatch_intl ha potuto assistere imbarcazioni in pericolo, fino all'arrivo della Guardia costiera italiana. twitter.com/resqship_int/statu: 🟠⚪️ UPDATE: Just after a few hours in the operational area, the Nadir encountered a completely overcrowded wooden boat with 60 people on board this afternoon. Previously, our crew was informed about the boat by Seabird @seawatchcrew. 1/2 t.co/pjiQCwnqCg

#tunisia #lampedusa #nadir #seabird

Last updated 2 years ago

Music News Feed · @music_news_feed
3 followers · 3744 posts · Server room19.com
Seebrücke Frankfurt · @seebrueckeffm
1600 followers · 4888 posts · Server mastodon.social

++Beilademöglichkeit gesucht++

Die benötigt dringend ein neues Beiboot, das von Wangen (Allgäu) nach Malta transportiert werden muss. Wer hat Platz im Sprinter/Anhänger/LKW?
Eckdaten (l/b/h): 3,70m/1,73m/0,81m, Gewicht: 143kg
Aufwandsentschädigung: 500€ (wenn gewünscht)

Kontakt siehe : resqship.org/

#Resqship #nadir

Last updated 2 years ago

Seebrücke Frankfurt · @seebrueckeffm
1312 followers · 4110 posts · Server mastodon.social

RESQSHIP – Zivile Seenotrettung mit dem Segelschiff im Mittelmeer

RESQSHIP berichten über ihren Einsatz im zentralen , musikalisch umrahmt vom AK an der HfMDK

HEUTE, 15.12. | 19:00
Club Voltaire | Kleine Hochstraße 5 | Ffm


📷 RESQSHIP / Paula Gaess

#nadir #med #leavenoonebehind

Last updated 2 years ago