Seen today in center of #Strasbourg near #sncf train station. Logo of #zenith #Europe in support of the russian government in his war in Ukraine with #ribbon of Saint George?! How this can be approved by #JCDecaux and authorized by city and #préfecture #StandWithUkraine️ #nafoarticle4 #stoprussia #supportUkraine #nafo #russiaiscollapsing
#strasbourg #sncf #zenith #Europe #ribbon #jcdecaux #prefecture #StandWithUkraine #nafoarticle4 #StopRussia #supportUkraine #NAFO #russiaiscollapsing
@FAIR #NAFOArticle4 #NAFO #Ukraine
So, in your view, giving in to #nuclear blackmail will lead to LESS nuclear blackmail? LESS aggressive nuclear blackmailers? LESS pushing further over red lines? LESS nuclear proliferation? FEWER nuclear blackmailers?
Is this what you actually believe happens when you give into nuclear blackmail?
Have you literally not gamed this out at all?
(I mean, we're just glossing over the "overthrowing democracy and ethnic cleansing a country in Europe" thing...)
#ukraine #nuclear #nafoarticle4 #NAFO
@gnosticdaemon @euobserver @Meyer_Resende Authoritarian expansionist ethnic cleansing supporter noted.
Also, elaborate on "#reptiles" (#DavidIcke ?)
#reptiles #davidicke #NAFO #nafoarticle4 #vatniks
@ludibrium Your "photo of a #Nazi" is a #Jew elected by 3/4ths of the population, whose grandfather, while fighting in the Red Army, lost all of his brothers to the Germans.
#nazi #jew #nafoarticle4 #NAFO #vatniks