Good morning from Huis Ten Bosch! As usual, this will go up on my Instagram and Pixelfed eventually.
#NagasakiPrefecture #長崎県 #HuisTenBoschJapan #ハウステンボス #WhatAView #いい天気 #Spring #春 #Primavera #LetUsTravelTogether #ViaggiamoInsieme #一緒に旅行しましょう
#nagasakiprefecture #長崎県 #huistenboschjapan #ハウステンボス #whataview #いい天気 #spring #春 #primavera #letustraveltogether #viaggiamoinsieme #一緒に旅行しましょう
Posting these en route to Huis Ten Bosch. I'll touch them up later for both Instagram and Pixelfed.
#nagasakiprefecture #長崎県 #shinkansen #新幹線 #大村 #japan #日本 #letustraveltogether #一緒に旅行しましょう #viaggiamoinsieme #spring #primavera #春
Currently waiting for the #SaseboSeasideLiner to depart Nagasaki for Sasebo City.
No video footage of the trip this time as it's pretty dark out.
#saseboseasideliner #travelinjapan #nagasakiprefecture #長崎県