No more #NaGenWriMo in 2022. How did I go? Not too well as can be seen in my post #genealogy #Geneadons
#nagenwrimo #genealogy #geneadons
November has been #NaGenWriMo month and I've written 70 bite-sized ancestor bios to post on WikiTree & other #Genealogy sites. Some are only a few sentences, some are a few paragraphs. It was a good opportunity to focus on writing and, as @edintone notes, writing reveals gaps that we can research to fill! #FamilyHistory
#nagenwrimo #Genealogy #familyhistory
#FamilyHistory My immigrant aunt Lee Wallace was born 99 years ago yesterday, on 24 Nov 1903. Lee directed the famous Macy's #ThanksgivingDay parade during 1940s-1950s! I've written a bite-sized bio during #NaGenWriMo to keep her memory alive:
#familyhistory #thanksgivingday #nagenwrimo
Still writing bite-sized bios of ancestors--which leads to quick research to fill an unnoticed gap in facts at least once a day! More than 40 ancestor bios completed during #NaGenWriMo in November, posted to @wikitree and MyHeritage and other sites. #Genealogy #FamilyHistory
#nagenwrimo #Genealogy #familyhistory
Get ancestors stories recorded, a quick tip for #NaGenWriMo #genealogy #writing #FamilyHistory
#nagenwrimo #genealogy #writing #familyhistory
November is #NaGenWriMo, time to write #FamilyHistory to share with family & if you choose, with the wider world. Every day this month I've written at least 1 ancestor bio to post to
plus other #Genealogy sites. Anything you write is more than before so go ahead and dive in now!
#nagenwrimo #familyhistory #Genealogy
Who is your oldest living relative? I've written about my dad who turned 90 yesterday. #genealogy #NaGenWriMo
Time to catch up writing my #NaGenWriMo posts I have missed in the last three days. Problems with laptop now fixed. #Genealogy
My most recent post for #NaGenWriMo is about #CampingHolidays Where did you go #camping as a child? #Genealogy Feel free to leave comments on the post or here on this toot
#nagenwrimo #Campingholidays #camping #genealogy
I'm taking part in #NaGenWriMo a #genealogy version of #nanowrimo All my posts are listed in the one spot here on my blog Feel free to read and leave comments #Guides #Scouts
#nagenwrimo #genealogy #nanowrimo #guides #scouts