Gelukkig kan je via snel vaststellen of het aan je zelf ligt of dat iets anders de oorzaak is. #contabo en m'n old-fashioned #nagios checks werken goed :)
C’est amusant tous les nouveaux outils de #supervision et #métrologie
Je ne vois pas bien comment ils implémentent les mécanismes #icinga2 et #nagios afin de différencier les trucs en panne et les trucs injoignables.
Genre, je regarde un peu du côté de #vector et je me demande bien comment remplacer un nagios/icinga pour ne pas crouler sous les notifications.
Vous faites comment vous ?
NB: je ne suis vraiment pas sûr que ces outils fassent le même travail en fait 🤔
#supervision #metrologie #icinga2 #nagios #vector #sysadmin
#Nagios has been my monitoring tool of choice since it was called Netsaint. It's got such depth to its configuration style; it's one of those #foss solutions that I've dug into for years and still find something new each time. You know, ways to improve my setup, be more complete or detailed in my coverage of hosts and services and generally have more confidence that when something happens, anything... I'll know about it.
@schrottkatze The classical one is #Nagios and if you want to logstash, #Graylog...
Releasing Gogios, my own (on purpose minimalistic) server infrastructure monitoring tool. Less is often more! It's for my personal use, though. It's designed to execute Nagios checks #golang #nagios #infrastructure
#golang #nagios #infrastructure
I just learned about the ability of #kde's clipboard manager to run actions on your clipboard. I now have my first action set up, that automatically offers to open the clipboard content in my browser with a specific URL combined with the clipboard content at the right position. In my case, searching for an alert in a #nagios dashboard.
Might be niche, but a pretty cool feature nonetheless. I'm gonna heavily use it from now on.
Thanks, @kde
*Gilfoyle voice*
"Kinda like #Nagios? All it needs to do is keep me fucking informed about issues..."
Now need to work on checking the consistency of the results (whether each IP serves the same serial) and the monitoring mode for #Nagios-compatible software
(Which is why I decided to make my own check_soa in the 1st place)
Latest Nagstamon testing release 3.11-20230329 comes with a #signed installer for #Windows. Help testing and get it from #secure #safe #nice #monitoring #checkmk #icinga #centreon #op5 #nagios
#signed #windows #secure #safe #nice #monitoring #checkmk #icinga #centreon #op5 #nagios
Sé que soy un pesao con el tema de la monitorización de infraestructuras, pero a ver, es lo que más toco en el trabajo. #monitores #pesao #it #sysadmin #checkmk #nagios #icinga #prometheus #grafana
#monitores #pesao #it #sysadmin #checkmk #nagios #icinga #prometheus #grafana
Dar de alta un nuevo host en Checkmk
#checkmk #nagios #monitoring #linux #graphite
De lo terrenal y lo divino con Checkmk
#checkmk #nagios #cloud #aws #kubernetes #rockylinux
Hat jemand ne Ahnung wie ich check_nrpe dazu bekomme den Status Warning oder Critical zurückzugeben an Nagios? Laut Code sucht er nur nach den Worten, mein Plugin gibt das so aus, Nagios interpretiert es aber immer als OK.
Warning CPU Temp|100
#nagios #nrpe #linux #Server #uberwachung
Códigos QR en tu datacenter #blog #nagios #access_point #almacenamiento #cabina #cable #centreon #códigos #dirección_ip #escaner #identificar #lector #lector_código_qr #monitorización #monitorizar #nas #openservicesit #osit_qrmonitor #qr #red #scanner #servidor #switch #tráfico #wifi
#blog #nagios #access_point #almacenamiento #cabina #cable #centreon #codigos #direccion_ip #escaner #identificar #lector #lector_codigo_qr #monitorizacion #monitorizar #nas #openservicesit #osit_qrmonitor #qr #red #scanner #servidor #switch #trafico #wifi
In unserem neuen Blog-Artikel geht es darum, wie man ein einfach einzurichtendes, aber dennoch umfassendes Server-Monitoring unter Linux aufsetzen kann.
Hier gehen wir bewusst nicht den Weg von #Nagios, #Zabbix oder #Icinga, die eine relativ aufwendige Einrichtung erfordern, sondern nutzen eine Alternative.
#server #monitoring #linux #administration #icinga #zabbix #nagios