#nahelm #RiotsFrance Reminder that the people of Gaul (France) come in every shade and always have. France has never been a strictly "white" country. Don't be a bigot and don't assume all people of color are migrants. Many have been in Gaul for millennia.
Amber Sweat at #AfricaIsACountry on the question of which children's childhoods are protected and idealised, and which are not.'The idea of the child as a universally protected figure requires a critical eye, especially as the dimensions of childhood have been ever-plastic and fluid, molded by colonial histories that empires are nowadays seeking to erase.' #France #Racism #colonialism #Literature #NahelM https://africasacountry.com/2023/07/the-lost-promise-of-childhood
#africaisacountry #france #racism #colonialism #literature #nahelm
#France #NahelM #police #racism
Mort de Nahel M. : « Les discriminations, prises en compte par la plupart des polices d’Europe, relèvent en France du non-dit » https://www.lemonde.fr/idees/article/2023/07/09/mort-de-nahel-m-les-discriminations-prises-en-compte-par-la-plupart-des-polices-d-europe-relevent-en-france-du-non-dit_6181166_3232.html
#france #nahelm #Police #racism
Apparently the French can be as nasty about this sort of thing as the Americans...
wapo.st/3PHPf67 #press #NahelM #JusticeForNahel
#justicefornahel #nahelm #press
Mayors in France Call for Anti-Violence Rally Amid Riots https://politicaliq.com/2023/07/03/mayors-in-france-call-for-anti-violence-rally-amid-riots/ #France #FranceViolence #FranceProtests #Nanterre #Paris #Nahel #NahelM #Francepolice #Macron #politicaliq #news #politics
#france #franceviolence #franceprotests #nanterre #paris #nahel #nahelm #francepolice #macron #politicaliq #News #politics
Il est officiel. #EmmanuelMacron est un fou. Et il n'est pas d'un fou du cirque ou théâtre; is est idiot bête.
(Article en anglais)
#emmanuelmacron #france #nahelm
In Frankreich ist ein 17-Jähriger während einer Verkehrskontrolle erschossen worden. Seitdem gibt es in mehreren französischen Städten Proteste. Woher kommt die Gewalt durch die Polizei?
#AufständeFrankreich #Frankreich #FrankreichProteste #Nahel #NahelM #Polizeigesetz #Polizeigewalt #PolizeigewaltFrankreich #Proteste #ZurückZumThema
#aufstandefrankreich #frankreich #frankreichproteste #nahel #nahelm #polizeigesetz #polizeigewalt #polizeigewaltfrankreich #proteste #zuruckzumthema