Nahobino (in a Sonic outfit) and Chie Satonaka were repping for Sega by visiting the Sega arcade in Kamurocho!
#sega #yakuza #kamurocho #atlus #nahobino #chiesatonaka #persona #vrchat #vrc
#sega #yakuza #kamurocho #atlus #nahobino #chiesatonaka #persona #vrchat #vrc
When you go into the avatar search world in VRChat to see if anyone else made Bino avatars and you get cat daddy Nahobino Aogami and big busty wolf e-girl Nahobino lmfao
For real though that Nahobino Aogami is fucking amazing looking
#nahobino #vrchat #shinmegamitensei #smtv #aogami
#nahobino #vrchat #shinmegamitensei #smtv #aogami
Was recording a little something for the behind-the-scenes and release of the "Vinny Melts his Gold Youtube Play Button" VRC map Im going to post tomorrow and took a little finishing photo
#vincesauce #nahobino #vrchat #vrc
#vincesauce #nahobino #vrchat #vrc
I released my Nahobino Plush avatar (based on the Stubbins Plush in the Atlus store) and its obtainable in my Velvet Chill Room map. You can view a video showing the avatar here with the World ID in the description.
#smtv #smt #nahobino #shinmegamitensei #avatars #vrc #vrchat #vrchatavatar #arjvrc
#smtv #smt #nahobino #shinmegamitensei #avatars #vrc #vrchat #vrchatavatar #arjvrc
Ive been rigging the model of the Nahobino plush (based on the Stubbins one sold by Atlus) recently. I intend to make it a VR Chat avatar, so now Im working on 2D-based visemes for the face.
#vrc #vrchat #arjvrc #avatars #smtv #nahobino #shinmegamitensei
#vrc #vrchat #arjvrc #avatars #smtv #nahobino #shinmegamitensei
Really pretty shots of the Nahobino in the Exoplanet map of VRChat
#smtv #nahobino #shinmegamitensei #shinmegamitenseiv #vrc #vrchat
#smtv #nahobino #shinmegamitensei #shinmegamitenseiv #vrc #vrchat
I noticed that the hoodless Sonic jacket that I have the Nahobino avatar wearing looks like it has a shark fin on the back of it without the usual head cover on it, and that's honestly perfect for him. Why did I give Nacho a Sonic outfit? Because Sega owns Atlus and the hedgehog isnt the only fast-running blue protagonist under the name anymore #nahobino #SonicTheHedgeog #atlus #sega #vrc #shinmegamitenseiv #smtv #shinmegamitensei #vrc #vrchat #arjvrc
#nahobino #sonicthehedgeog #atlus #sega #vrc #shinmegamitenseiv #smtv #shinmegamitensei #vrchat #arjvrc
I put the SMTV-themed cake made by @Majestur for my birthday in my VRC map with the plushes and other models lined up. I decided to leave it in as a toggle for now in place of the hot tub which is toggled off.
#vrc #vrchat #smtv #nahobino #cake #vr #shinmegamitensei #atlus #persona
#vrc #vrchat #smtv #nahobino #cake #vr #shinmegamitensei #atlus #persona
VOD from 9/27/22 where I show off various Atlus/Megami Tensei items in my collection (mostly games) and unpacking the Stubbins plushes. Finally uploaded to my VOD channel. I did a weird thing here where I combined my vtuber self with my meatspace self to show off the items
#atlus #shinmegamitensei #nahobino #aogami #plushies #megamitensei #persona #collections #gaming #arjvtuber #vtuber #youtuber #streamer
#atlus #shinmegamitensei #nahobino #aogami #plushies #megamitensei #persona #collections #gaming #arjvtuber #vtuber #youtuber #streamer
Just a couple of bros chilling out
#nahobino #aogami #smtv #shinmegamitensei #shinmegamitenseiv #vrc #vrchat
#nahobino #aogami #smtv #shinmegamitensei #shinmegamitenseiv #vrc #vrchat
This was shared to me recently and I somehow missed out on it when it came out. It's an animation by LowHP that combines the Simpsons and SMTV
#lowhp #gaming #animation #simpsons #smtv #nahobino #shiva #shinmegamitensei #shinmegamitenseiv
#lowhp #gaming #animation #simpsons #smtv #nahobino #shiva #shinmegamitensei #shinmegamitenseiv
This is a little VRC skit I did way back that I uploaded to my main youtube channel recently. It's where the SMTV protagonist teaches Aogami about bowling and then they try to bowl as the Nahobino.
#smtv #nahobino #aogami #shinmegamitenseiv #shinmegamitensei #arjvrc #vrc #vrchat #bowling
#smtv #nahobino #aogami #shinmegamitenseiv #shinmegamitensei #arjvrc #vrc #vrchat #bowling
Nahobino & MiniBino #nahobino #vrchat #vrc #plush #plushies #shinmegamitensei #smtv #shinmegamitenseiv
#nahobino #vrchat #vrc #plush #plushies #shinmegamitensei #smtv #shinmegamitenseiv
Post-"spent most of my evening in VR" soreness is a common feeling I wake up to. I did a lot of recording yesterday to create visuals for music I plan to contribute for a private event Im putting together. So there were instances of doing multiple takes of me dancing or other performances, which gave me some good exercise. #VRC #vrchat #music #arjart #nahobino
#vrc #vrchat #music #arjart #nahobino
Here's the video where I show my process making the photo-based 3d plushes using MonsterMash/Blender.
#nahobino #plushies #monstermash #howto #shinmegamitensei
Up on my main channel:
#nahobino #plushies #monstermash #howto #shinmegamitensei
Im working on a video on how I make plushes like this based on photos utilizing and Blender. Going through it, it's a messy process.
Here's a preview of the Stubbins nahobeano plush
#nahobino #plushie #3dmodel #arjart #shinmegamitensei
#nahobino #plushie #3dmodel #arjart #shinmegamitensei