A lack of accountability—all while Israel has ratcheted up its violent attitudes toward Palestinians—reveals why Rashida Tlaib’s Nakba event last week was so needed, @prem_thakker writes. #Nakba75 #NakbaDay https://newrepublic.com/post/172674/outrage-rashida-tlaib-palestinian-nakba-event-reveals-everything?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_campaign=EB_TNR&utm_medium=social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1684366753 #press
The Nakba Day triumph: How the UN is correcting a historical wrong | Morning Star
The next Nakba Day will be officially commemorated by the United Nations General Assembly on May 15, 2023. The decision by the world’s largest democratic institution is significant, if not a game changer, writes RAMZY BAROUD
#nakbaday #un #palestine #palestinians #PalestinianDay #PalestineDay
Il 'presidio democratico' del medioriente di #picierno e #quartapelle
RT @eccapecca@twitter.com
Lo Stato di Israele si è formato in seguito all'espulsione di massa di quasi un milione di palestinesi.
The #Nakba Explained
#Nakbaday https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20170515-the-nakba-explained/ via @middleeastmnt@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/eccapecca/status/1525788976627564544
#nakbaday #palestine #15may #nakba #Quartapelle #Picierno
RT @redfishstream@twitter.com
Under the pretext of “antisemitism,” all Palestinian protests in Berlin were banned over the weekend, yet hundreds of people took to the streets on #NakbaDay.
People wearing the keffiyeh or other Palestinian symbols were harassed and in some cases were arrested and beaten up.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/redfishstream/status/1526216433054588931
#NakbaDay 🇵🇸: Israeli police injure #Palestinian protesters
Israeli police injured a number of Palestinians as they took to the streets to mark the 74th anniversary of Nakba Day - when Palestinians say they lost their...
RT @vescovi_thomas@twitter.com
#NakbaDay : Hommage aux historiens palestiniens !
La « Nakba » - catastrophe en arabe, est le terme par lequel les Pal désignent les conséquences de la création d’Israël et la guerre de 1948. Israël a tout fait pour étouffer cette mémoire pal. et effacer les crimes commis... 1
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/vescovi_thomas/status/1525738098696536064
#NakbaDay: For Palestinians, not just an historical event https://aje.io/ua872
RT @MehdiChaydmi@twitter.com
يوم تجديد الإيمان بفلسطين
لن تخمد فينا روح المقاومة والشبق إلى الحرية على أرض وطننا التي لم نولد على أرض سواها. فنحن هنا منذ الأزل، وسنبقى هنا إلى الأبد. وستبقى القدس منارة أرواحنا وعاصمة بلادنا إلى الأبد. محمود درويش
#NakbaDay #Nakba74 #النكبة #النكبة_٧٤ #النكبة74
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MehdiChaydmi/status/1525628465969565696
#nakbaday #Nakba74 #النكبة #النكبة_٧٤ #النكبة74
RT @RevoWatch
🇵🇸🌍✊: Protests for justice & freedom in #Palestine happened all over the world on the 73rd anniversary of #NakbaDay:
Europe: 🏴🇫🇷🇪🇸🇩🇪🇮🇹🇮🇪🏴🇦🇹🇬🇷🇷🇴🇩🇰🇸🇪🇧🇪🏴
MENA: 🇯🇴🇮🇶🇹🇷🇶🇦🇰🇼🇮🇱🇱🇧🇾🇪🇩🇿🇲🇦
Asia-Oceania: 🇦🇺🇮🇩🇵🇰🇧🇩🇲🇾
Americas: 🇺🇸🇨🇦🇨🇴🇨🇱
#gazaunderattack #freepalestine #nakbaday #palestine
Tweet from VisualizingPalestine (@visualizingpal), at May 15, 1:44 AM
This #NakbaDay, we’re sharing stories of Palestinian towns, villages, and cities, depopulated or remaining, with the help of our new #PalestineToday interactive map. View the map and share a story here: https://t.co/gpd63hyM0m https://t.co/XoxLzY7AQO
Buongiorno Palestina 41 https://wombat.noblogs.org/2020/05/13/buongiorno-palestina-41/ #ComunitàpalestinesediFirenze #UniversitàLaSapienzadiRoma #cancellazionedellamemoria #LinguaeLetteraturaaraba #insediamentisionisti #UniversitàdiCagliari #BuongiornoPalestina #dialettologiaaraba #praticherazziste #comunicazione #persecuzione #WasimDahmash #letteratura #catastrofe #saggistica #EdizioniQ #socialità #15Maggio #AbedDaas #Nakbaday #Damasco #vittime #lingua #Lydda #Nakba #Siria
#ComunitàpalestinesediFirenze #UniversitàLaSapienzadiRoma #cancellazionedellamemoria #LinguaeLetteraturaaraba #insediamentisionisti #UniversitàdiCagliari #buongiornopalestina #dialettologiaaraba #praticherazziste #comunicazione #persecuzione #WasimDahmash #letteratura #catastrofe #saggistica #EdizioniQ #socialità #15maggio #AbedDaas #nakbaday #damasco #vittime #lingua #Lydda #nakba #siria
RT @intifada@twitter.com
The future of the Nakba | by Joseph Massad #Nakba71 #NakbaDay #FromTheArchives http://bit.ly/2VE3spU
#nakba71 #nakbaday #fromthearchives
RT @VetsAboutFace@twitter.com
In solidarity with all the families forcefully expelled from their ancestral home in Palestine over the course of last 71 years.
#deactivateAirbnb #Nakba71
#NakbaDay #DropTheMIC
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/VetsAboutFace/status/1128691721741717504
#deactivateairbnb #nakba71 #nakbaday #dropthemic
RT @telesurenglish@twitter.com
Today is the 71st anniversary of Yawm an-Nakba.
#NakbaDay commemorates the mass expulsion of Palestinians from their villages in 1948. The #Nakba didn't occur in a vacuum. In fact, calls for a national homeland for the Jews began in the late 1800s.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/telesurenglish/status/1128729348788367361
#nakbaday #nakba #palestine #israel #onthisday
It's #Nakba71 come #NakbaDay: we must fight for Palestinian liberation if we consider ourselves fighters for a better world. No to #apartheid, no to #genocide. Watch the people who are silent about it.
#nakba71 #nakbaday #apartheid #genocide
RT @HarshaWalia@twitter.com
Commemorating 71 yrs of #NakbaDay #Nakba71
Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea. When every refugee returns, every olive tree is regrown, and no child is considered a demographic threat.
(A million flags for Palestine, published by Communist Party of Egypt in 1948)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/HarshaWalia/status/1128698953283694594