Today's top sources: #NakedCapitalism (
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Today's top sources: #NakedCapitalism (
So once again, Horan has published one of his magisterial debunkings on #NakedCapitalism:
Uber's $394m gains this quarter come from paper gains to untradable shares in its loss-making rivals - #Didi, #Grab, #Aurora - who swapped stock with Uber in exchange for Uber's own loss-making overseas divisions.
#nakedcapitalism #didi #grab #aurora
That certainly goes for zombie mortgages. Writing about the *WSJ*'s coverage on #NakedCapitalism, #YvesSmith reminds readers not to "pay these extortionists a dime" without consulting a lawyer or a nonprofit debt counsellor, because any payment "vitiates" (revives) an otherwise dead loan:
The #JakeTeixeira leak being manufactured passes the sniff test to me.
See a #Bellingcat, smell a rat, is a good rule of thumb to live by.
My thoughts are that there are multiple #NationalSecurity personnel spoofing as journalists. #DoubleAgents as it were.
See #NakedCapitalism post here:
#jaketeixeira #bellingcat #nationalsecurity #doubleagents #nakedcapitalism
Interesting article from Yves Smith from NakedCapitalism on some reasons for the “Global South” (new term for me) are avoiding the condemnation of Russia wrt Ukraine.
#ukraine #nakedcapitalism #globalsouth #economics #globalpolitics
#ukraine #nakedcapitalism #globalsouth #economics #globalpolitics
News about antidepressants
#NakedCapitalism #Psychedelics #Depression
#nakedcapitalism #psychedelics #depression
#JohnathonKanter and #LinaKahn are by far the best things to come out of the #Biden #administration.
If you want to learn more about the steps they’ve taken in #antitrust enforcement, @matthewstoller is a gold mine.
Also, this post from #NakedCapitalism sets out a HUGE move toward companies forming conspiracies to fix wages and prices.
#johnathonkanter #linakahn #biden #administration #antitrust #nakedcapitalism
Yves Smith over at the Naked Capitalism shares some reflections on the war. Balanced and nuanced.
#TheWar #NakedCapitalism #AndrewBacewich #TomDispatch
#thewar #nakedcapitalism #andrewbacewich #tomdispatch
Germany & Nordstream, some observations from Naked Capitalism in the aftermath of Seymour Hersh's report
#Nordstream #Germany #NakedCapitalism
#nordstream #germany #nakedcapitalism
Naked Capitalism, hardly a dangerous commie site, on the now famous and rather disturbing report by Seymour Hersh:
#Nordstream #NakedCapitalism #USA #Norway
#nordstream #nakedcapitalism #usa #norway
Naked Capitalism, hardly a dangerous commie site, on the now famous and rather disturbing report by Seymour Hersh:
#Nordstream #NakedCapitalism #USA #Norway
#Nordstream #nakedcapitalism #usa #norway
I wish certain websites would simply say "we are banning you" rather than have you enter "moderation" never to exit. At least you would know not to use limited energy in trying to write a constructive response that won't ever see the light of day #nakedcapitalism - I'll still view the site since it has LOTS of interesting links. But I'm not engaging anymore.
While I usually enjoy #NakedCapitalism articles, this piece by Lambert is one big a face-plant. Subvariant emergence is a consequence of poor vaccination rates in the West and vaccine hoarding therein, not policy failure.
Well #nakedcapitalism predicted this a week ago so not surprised..... But my heart does go out to those whose possibly first family gathering in 2+ years is cancelled.
Wikipedia Editors List FTX’s Questionable Blunder as the Top Trading Loss of All-Time - Following the collapse of FTX at the beginning of November, two top executives fro... - #archegoscapitalmanagement #tsingshanholdinggroup #allegedtradinglosses #tradinglossworldwide #largesttradingloss #sambankman-fried #wikipediaeditors #alamedaresearch #carolineellison
#carolineellison #alamedaresearch #wikipediaeditors #sambankman #largesttradingloss #nakedcapitalism #tradinglossworldwide #allegedtradinglosses #tsingshanholdinggroup #archegoscapitalmanagement
Deere Union Members Reject Second Management Offer; Key Demands Include Greater Workplace Say | naked capitalism
Deere union members at 12 of 14 factories put the screws on management by rejecting their latest offer.
#nakedcapitalism #johndeere #solidarity