"In an article titled 'Ukrainian Voices?' recently published in New Left Review, sociologist #VolodymyrIshchenko warns that talk in the West about #Ukraine’s '#decolonization' often focuses too much on 'symbols & identity' & not enough on 'social transformation.'
".. Dr. Ishchenko’s article has won praise & provoked fierce criticism from peers & pundits alike. This week, he joined The #NakedPravda to respond to some of that feedback."
#WARINUKRAINE #RussiaUkraine #nakedpravda #decolonization #ukraine #volodymyrishchenko
#podcasts listened to in 2022 - no particular order, what’ve you listened to?
#ukrainecast #restishistory #restispolitics #putinskrieg #vocalscope #easygerman #neurodiversitypodcast #nakedpravda #achtmilliarden #lagedernation #duolingofrenchpodcast #doomsdaywatch #outtolunch #soulmusic #songsinthekeyoflaugh #allesistanders #makingSenseWithSamHarris #imbiss3000 #thedarkisrising #inwritingwithhattiecrisell #ukrainianlessons #5minuteukrainian #putin #warontruth #womenwhotravel #thisamericanlife
#thisamericanlife #womenwhotravel #warontruth #Putin #5minuteukrainian #ukrainianlessons #inwritingwithhattiecrisell #thedarkisrising #imbiss3000 #makingSenseWithSamHarris #allesistanders #songsinthekeyoflaugh #soulmusic #outtolunch #doomsdaywatch #duolingofrenchpodcast #lagedernation #AchtMilliarden #nakedpravda #neurodiversitypodcast #easygerman #vocalscope #PutinsKrieg #restispolitics #restishistory #Ukrainecast #Podcasts
https://meduza.io/en/episodes/2022/10/21/would-russians-be-able-to-rationalize-the-war-against-ukraine-without-gendered-rhetoric The #Kremlin relies on tropes of #masculinity to validate the regime & actions abroad, particularly in #Ukraine & when it comes to confrontation with the West. This gendered rhetoric resonates with Russians just as it does in societies & nations all over the world. the promotion and draw of various anti-#feminism & anti-#gay narratives in #Russia have facilitated the idea itself that an independent, Western-leaning Ukraine poses an existential threat. #Meduza #NakedPravda
#kremlin #masculinity #ukraine #feminism #gay #russia #meduza #nakedpravda