Larch Mountain in SW Washington state. 3 weeks ago we had 85°F and high winds which escalated the #nakiacreekfire Then a lot of rain (phew!) and now snow!!
Air support flies again! A Bell UH-1 Huey - N339WN and a UH-60 Blackhawk - N960NW dropping water #NakiaCreekFire
Just got an emergency alert in #fernprairie #camas #camaswa we’re in level 2 still #NakiaCreekFire
#nakiacreekfire #camaswa #camas #fernprairie
Tanker 160 just made the drop! #nakiacreekfire they’re done, have a safe flight home
“Type 1” helicopter inbound, it looks like #NakiaCreekFire these are big ones
Chopper #N339WN just dropped water right in the middle of a patch of flames! Nice job. #NakiaCreekFire #camas #camaswa
#camaswa #camas #nakiacreekfire #N339WN
Big planes dropping fire retardant #NakiaCreekFire #camaswa view from #fernprairie
#fernprairie #camaswa #nakiacreekfire
Listening to fire fighting airplanes and helicopters at 122.925Mhz AM #nakiacreekfire this is a plane getting more water at #lacamaslake
Does not look good at night #nakiacreekfire #camaswa #fernprairie
#fernprairie #camaswa #nakiacreekfire
Wildfire 8 miles NE from #fernprairie #camaswa - #nakiacreekfire
#nakiacreekfire #camaswa #fernprairie