Would rare glossy black cockatoos nest in the proposed Great Koala National Park on the NSW Mid North Coast?
Conservationists are celebrating the rare discovery of nests of one of Australia's most-threatened cockatoos.
The bird is one of the most-threatened species of cockatoos in Australia
For the first time in more than 20 years, glossy black cockatoo nests have been discovered on the New South Wales' Mid North Coast.
Glossy Black-Cockatoo (Biliirrgan) listed as vulnerable under federal environmental law
#Nambucca #Bellingen #CoffsHarbour #GumbaynggirrCountry #Biliirrgan #TheGreatKoalaNationalPark #logging #vulnerable #birds #conservation
#nambucca #bellingen #coffsharbour #gumbaynggirrcountry #biliirrgan #thegreatkoalanationalpark #logging #vulnerable #birds #conservation
Dilapidated sewage systems and food
"Nambucca Valley oyster farmers demand council action to stop sewage spills. Oyster farmers on the NSW Mid North Coast warn they will take legal action if an ageing sewage system isn't fixed. There have been at least 17 sewage overflows that have affected the Nambucca River in the past two years."
#Nambucca #NambuccaRiver #sewage #floods #food #rivers #NSW
#nambucca #nambuccariver #sewage #floods #food #rivers #nsw
#Gumbaynggirr is on the Gambay - #FirstLanguages map. #Gambay showcases over 780 languages.
#gumbaynggirr #firstlanguages #gambay #fla #indigenouslanguages #coffs #bellingen #nambucca