Damien Scully · @DazzlingDamo
370 followers · 4215 posts · Server mastodon.ie

For today's challenge it's something blue and generally desirable.
Can you name it from this bit of wing?
Please Boost to share and encourage others to have a guess.
Please use a Content Wrapper for guesses so they are hidden in the thread. Good luck

#WeirdCarMastodon #namethatcar #classiccars #classiccarsofmastodon #oldtimercars #oldtimersofmastodon #car #youngtimer

Last updated 1 year ago

Damien Scully · @DazzlingDamo
366 followers · 4172 posts · Server mastodon.ie

So the answer to the outstanding challenge a Buick... More or less!
It is in fact 1938 Mc Laughlin Buick Special, built in Canada for Right-Hand-Drive markets this one was delivered to Sunderland in the UK in 1938 so survived WWII and some terrible weather!
This beautifully restored example of what must be a rare car has appeared on screen in various films and TV shows!
Well done if you got it right, or at least that it was a Special.

#namethatcar #buick #WeirdCarMastodon #buickspecial

Last updated 1 year ago

Damien Scully · @DazzlingDamo
365 followers · 4156 posts · Server mastodon.ie

As it is pre-war, so very hard to identify I have given you a second image.

#WeirdCarMastodon #namethatcar

Last updated 1 year ago

Damien Scully · @DazzlingDamo
365 followers · 4147 posts · Server mastodon.ie

For today's challenge we have something a little bit older than the TVR which was last vehicle. It's big, it's black but can you name it from this unusual view of the wing?
This one is definitely a Classic Car!
Please Boost to share and encourage others to have a guess.
Please use a Content Wrapper for guesses so they are hidden in the thread. Good luck.

#WeirdCarMastodon #namethatcar #classiccars #classiccarsofmastodon #oldtimercars #oldtimersofmastodon #car

Last updated 1 year ago

Damien Scully · @DazzlingDamo
365 followers · 4145 posts · Server mastodon.ie

The answer to the outstanding challenge, it's a TVR Griffith 500. The details on it are mad, slits in the bonnet and the odd silver button was the door release.
Not sure what is happening wirh these days! Not the best times to have a Russian owner, especially as he didn't seem to be a great owner to start with. A shame they are not making mad things like this anymore.
Thanks to everyone who had a guess, well done if you got it or close to it.

#namethatcar #tvr #classiccars #WeirdCarMastodon

Last updated 1 year ago

Damien Scully · @DazzlingDamo
366 followers · 4126 posts · Server mastodon.ie

Time for today's challenge. Today you get two photos to work with. They didn't built a lot of these but they are distinctive.!
It's quite new but definitely a collectable future classic.
Please Boost to share and encourage others to have a guess.
Please use a Content Wrapper for guesses so they are hidden in the thread.

#WeirdCarMastodon #namethatcar #classiccars #classiccarsofmastodon #youngtimer

Last updated 1 year ago

Damien Scully · @DazzlingDamo
364 followers · 4117 posts · Server mastodon.ie

The answer to yesterdays challenge was as a fair number of people worked out it was a with the consensus it was a 1960 model.
It is one of those cars that, while not really my thing, is a super attractive piece of automotive art, created by Detroit at close to the height of its power. I was particularly taken that it seems to still have a dealer badge on it.
Thanks to everyone who had a guess, well done if you got it right.

#namethatcar #chevrolet #Impala #WeirdCarMastodon #classiccars

Last updated 1 year ago

Damien Scully · @DazzlingDamo
363 followers · 4104 posts · Server mastodon.ie

So folks after an unscheduled break, for which I can only apologise, it's the return of the challenge.

Today's images are I think very distinctive, I suspect one would need to know their American cars, to be able to get it.
Please Boost to share and encourage others to have a guess.
Please use a Content Wrapper for guesses so they are hidden in the thread. Good luck.

#WeirdCarMastodon #namethatcar #classiccars #classiccarsofmastodon #oldtimercars #oldtimersofmastodon

Last updated 1 year ago

Damien Scully · @DazzlingDamo
363 followers · 3894 posts · Server mastodon.ie

The answer to the outstanding challenge is a car that I like the look of, but have never really desired, despite owning its siblings! I would like to drive one sometime! The image with its odd vents made a few folks to think "rear-engined" whereas it is in fact Triumph's pocket homage to the E-Type, the MKIII. The vents are either cabin air or just decoration!
Well done if you got it right!

#namethatcar #triumph #gt6 #WeirdCarMastodon #triumphgt6 #classiccars #oldtimercars

Last updated 1 year ago

Damien Scully · @DazzlingDamo
361 followers · 3856 posts · Server mastodon.ie

For the next challenge something very different to a Mondeo!
As ever can you name it from this image of a slopy side?
Please Boost to share and encourage others to have a guess.
Please use a Content Wrapper for guesses so they are hidden in the thread.

#WeirdCarMastodon #namethatcar #classiccars #classiccarsofmastodon #oldtimercars #oldtimersofmastodon

Last updated 1 year ago

Damien Scully · @DazzlingDamo
361 followers · 3856 posts · Server mastodon.ie

@davidwilkins @RobertJackson58585858 saw this one in the wild a while back... I even featured it in a challenge. A surprising number of folks correctly identified it.


Last updated 1 year ago

Damien Scully · @DazzlingDamo
358 followers · 3826 posts · Server mastodon.ie

Turning to our outstanding challenge. This one attracted a couple of left field responses, sadly I must disappoint and say it is not a Maxi 😲 , or even an American version of one!
The car is a many of you figured out a Dodge Charger, I am not sure what the British version would be, perhaps a Vauxhall Magnum?
Thanks for all the guesses, well done if you got it right!

#namethatcar #WeirdCarMastodon #classiccars #oldtimercars #dodgecharger #dodge #amerciancars #amerciana

Last updated 1 year ago

Damien Scully · @DazzlingDamo
357 followers · 3773 posts · Server mastodon.ie

For the next challenge after the success of yesterdays mirror image, here is another similar looking door mirror, but a very different car!
As ever can you name it from this image?
Please Boost to share and encourage others to have a guess.
Please use a Content Wrapper for guesses so they are hidden in the thread.

#WeirdCarMastodon #namethatcar #classiccars #classiccarsofmastodon #oldtimercars #oldtimersofmastodon #amerciana #amerciancars

Last updated 1 year ago

Damien Scully · @DazzlingDamo
357 followers · 3767 posts · Server mastodon.ie

For the next challenge we here is something to reflect on... See what I did there!
Can you name it from this image? I should say I don't belive these were sold in North America but versions of it were offered in a number of established global markets and famously this car did get to other parts of the Americas.
Please use a Content Wrapper to hide guesses in the thread.
Please Boost

#WeirdCarMastodon #namethatcar #classiccars #classiccarsofmastodon #oldtimercars #oldtimersofmastodon #car

Last updated 1 year ago

Damien Scully · @DazzlingDamo
355 followers · 3735 posts · Server mastodon.ie

@erimas42 it might be, however I think it's an S3, a late one. The S4 has narrower indicators. Of course being a Lotus it might well be a S4 with an S3 front bumper!
Also never too late to get involved with challenge.


Last updated 1 year ago

Damien Scully · @DazzlingDamo
355 followers · 3735 posts · Server mastodon.ie

The answer to the outstanding challenge was as many spotted a P5B Coupe. It's not the most obvious Coupe. As these are indistinguishable from the saloon from the front corner I will take Rover P5. This is a car associated with Margaret Thatcher, while out of production by the time she became PM HMG having purchased the end of production vehicles, kept them in use by Minsters into the 80s.
Well done if you got it.

#namethatcar #rover #WeirdCarMastodon #classiccars #oldtimercars #roverp5b

Last updated 1 year ago

Damien Scully · @DazzlingDamo
352 followers · 3649 posts · Server mastodon.ie

For the next challenge we have a tricky shot of car that in its day was a distinctive symbol of the establishment. I am pretty sure at least one weird.Autos member owners one of these!
As ever can you name it from this image?
Please Boost to share and encourage others to have a guess.
Please use a Content Wrapper for guesses so they are hidden in the thread.

#WeirdCarMastodon #namethatcar #classiccars #classiccarsofmastodon #oldtimercars #oldtimersofmastodon

Last updated 1 year ago

Damien Scully · @DazzlingDamo
351 followers · 3643 posts · Server mastodon.ie

The answer to the outstanding challenge... Well as a number of you folks correctly identified it is a Honda S2000.
A car I think still looks very modern despite being out production for 14 years.
It's tricky handling in the wet means that a fair number have ended up in the great scrapyard in the sky. Possibly helping secure it's future classic status.
Thanks to everyone who had a guess.

#namethatcar #WeirdCarMastodon #classiccars #youngtimer #honda #hondas2000

Last updated 1 year ago

Damien Scully · @DazzlingDamo
347 followers · 3633 posts · Server mastodon.ie

An live in the UK, born in spend the last 25 years in for work. On /off involvement with most of my adult life, mostly as a hobby, did Edbinburn Fringe a couple of times. Would like to more have an unfinished novel ,so can't claim to be an but would like to be. Interested in issues, now Green Town Councillor, try to be involved with community projects. Currently, run challenge, which was unexpected.

#introduction #ireland #learning #theatre #write #author #green #WeirdCarMastodon #namethatcar

Last updated 1 year ago

Damien Scully · @DazzlingDamo
347 followers · 3633 posts · Server mastodon.ie

Time for another challenge.
As I think is apparent this a comparatively modern car but very a future classic.
Distinctive, sought after and a handful in the wet, so I am told.
Can you name it from this image?
Please Boost to share and encourage others to have a guess.
Please use a Content Wrapper for guesses so they are hidden in the thread. Good luck.

#WeirdCarMastodon #namethatcar #car #youngtimer #classiccars #classiccarsofmastodon

Last updated 1 year ago