固定投稿でも広くお薦めしている #NamibiaCam ナミブ砂漠ライブカメラチャンネルですが、チャット欄も和やかで、でも英語だけとか絵文字は3個までとか結構厳しいルールがあり、違反したものは即効で削除されます。
つい先ほどの #NamibiaCam ライブ画像。点けたら目の前にいてびっくりした。
Do you watch the #Namibia watering hole #livestream?
#poll #NamibiaCam #NamibLive
(Please boost for reach)
#namibia #livestream #poll #namibiacam #namiblive
#NamibiaCam had a most adorable young springbok today. Full on big wet anime eyes 😂 And those wee horns and bunny ears!
Yes springbok, you are very handsome 😂
The gnus continue to be the best. Hello there little one :ablobcatheartsqueeze:
Heavy rain all night at #NamibiaCam that only stopped at about 7-8 am. Pretty sure there has been more rain last night than in all of the rainy season before that.
I'm so happy for the animals 😄
Curly my girl! 😁 One of the rare identifiable oryx and always a delight.
Woohoo! The interaction between five cheetahs and a jackal I wanted to share but couldn't because it was too long got an official upload! Please go watch, it's absolutely fascinating.
(Jackal stays unharmed. I wouldn't share otherwise.)
One especially doe-eyed oryx today, full on 🥺 face
#NamibiaCam https://wstrsd.masto.host/@adachika192/110032200713993527
#NamibiaCam のいいところに、Timestamp があります。
YouTube のライブ放送も巻き戻して見ることができるのは皆さんご存じでしょう。このナミブ砂漠ライブストリームでは12時間まで戻ることが出来て、チャット欄でモデレーターが適宜(リアルタイムであまり見所がないタイミングで?)その範囲内での名場面のタイムスタンプ情報を流してくれるので、贔屓の動物や珍しい行動など選り取りです。
…今日もそのお陰でWarthog イボイノシシの子どもがオリックスに威嚇されて一旦は逃げてもまた足元をちょろちょろしたりする超可愛いシーンを見て、癒された :blobcat_melt: のでご紹介をと思いました。
>Bt https://fedibird.com/@kotobox/110015484317718078
小桜インコ? 可愛いのでブーストしたのはそうですが、先日また見ていた #NamibiaCam のライブストリームで、warthog イボイノシシが水を飲んだ後同じ水たまりの中でごろんごろんと水浴び(泥浴び?)をしていて「そこで…?」となったのを思い出して、ほっこりついでに。
Been spending more time with #WildlifeCams on #YouTube as a background for other activities. Both #NamibiaCam & #WildEarth cams are great. NamibiaCam's chat moderation is some of the best I've seen, and WildEarth's zoomies rock (when they understand how the autofocus works).
#wildlifecams #youtube #namibiacam #wildearth
Ever wondered how baby porcupines are made without the male impaling himself?
My biggest achievement in January was figuring out that one of the #NamibiaCam baby zebras (below, with dad on the left and mom on the right) is a hybrid between burchell's and hartmann's zebra based on some pattern irregularities.
Just got officially confirmed a couple days ago after they consulted an expert. Made my week :blobmelt:
I haven't posted any #NamibiaCam updates in a while, but I have something fascinating!
Not only is there a 2nd super cute little baby zebra in the herd, I'm 99% sure this one (but NOT the first one to be clear) is a hybrid between burchell's plains zebra (most of the herd) and hartmann's mountain zebra (the one I call Mr Mud).
Baby has very clear telltale signs of both - shadow stripes on the butt like mom, but also a white belly and fishbone pattern on the back like dad.
Well. I didn't expect more giraffe sightings for at least another week if not more after yesterday, but earlier today there were TEN?!
Talk about the place being crowded! 😂
#namibiacam #wildlife #nature #giraffe
Teeniest baby zebra at #NamibiaCam today.
Given that this herd is seen daily and the baby was first spotted yesterday from very far away, probably no more than about two days old 🥺