I couldn't understand why it was called 'fractal' until I did a Google image search. It really should be called "arc-burning", but I guess that term was already taken.
#naming #fractalart #fractalwoodburning
can someone tell me why qemu-system-i386 has the part 386 in its name?
root@karotte:~# qemu-system-i386 -machine pc -cpu 386 -boot d -cdrom /remote/data/retro/FD13LIVE.iso -m 512
qemu-system-i386: unable to find CPU model '386'
no 386!
root@karotte:~# qemu-system-i386 -machine pc -cpu 486 -boot d -cdrom /remote/data/retro/FD13LIVE.iso -m 512
hmm 486 works...
Then again
#Dekudeals itself is highly #inconsistent in #naming conventions
(Maybe I should #mail Michael again )
#dekudeals #inconsistent #naming #mail
Then again
#Dekudeals itself is highly #inconsistent in #naming conventions
(Maybe I should #mail Michael again )
#dekudeals #inconsistent #naming #mail
Bon, maintenant que j'ai le cerveau bien cramé et que mon code compile, reste le plus dur :
renommé les éléments qui n'ont plus le bon nom ><'
quelqu'un a un nom pour regrouper des State et des Dto ?
je colle ma PR parceque je suis content de moi :
Meteors burn safe.
Meteoroids make craters.
Nerd-drawn battle lines.
#haiku #senryu #poem #SmallPoems #Poetry
#MastoPrompt: #meteor
#meteoroid #nasa #naming
#haiku #senryu #poem #smallpoems #poetry #MastoPrompt #meteor #meteoroid #nasa #naming
Götternamen sind (erstmal) gefunden. Aber irgendwie alles will einen Namen haben. Dieses #Worldbuilding ist schon sehr detailliert, ohne groß detailliert zu sein.
#worldbuilding #world #ttrpg #deities #naming
He bought it. He broke it. A baffling and inane brand decision.
#naming #branding #brandingfail
I am NOT a Fedizen or Fedinaut or something nor anything else named, just a Person who uses the Internet!‼️
There is no need to categoriez everything, never was or will be, at least for me. 😏
If you One of those People, stay kindly away from me, thanks.
Otherwise you'll will be blocked! 😈
#selfcare #personality #naming #fediverse
Don't overthink it rules on naming #642:
If the system has arbitrary parts or constraints, use arbitrary names.
(in my rhetorical system there is nothing animal related)
Your taxonomy is usually organized by functionality, but if that is not clear, then another reasonable way to organize is by "characters in a play". And it's easier to remember characters with remarkable names.
There are words.
Some words are longer than others.
Many words are longer than 4 characters.
People understand words.
People don't understand characters.
It's ok to have things named with words.
Please, use words.
#Programming #Naming #SoftwareDevelopment #MachineLearning #DataScience #Python
#programming #naming #softwaredevelopment #machinelearning #datascience #python
"So if he had to invent a term, what would it be? His answer is instant: applied statistics."
https://www.ft.com/content/c1f6d948-3dde-405f-924c-09cc0dcf8c84 #ai #statistics #naming
A C, C++ **nomenclature question**: ♻️ 🙏
If the data a C++ reference refers to is a "referent", what is the data a C, C++ pointer points to?
- Pointee?
- Pointed?
Both Pointee and Pointed sound OK, but Pointee sounds a tad bit better (like Appointee, though I haven't heard of Appointer).
#question #c #cpp #cplusplus #programming #nomenclature #labeling #labels #naming #names #terminology
#question #c #cpp #cplusplus #programming #nomenclature #labeling #labels #naming #names #terminology
Die Open-Source-Webanwendung @monica bezeichnet sich selbst als PRM (Personal Relationship Manager). Monica ermöglicht es den Nutzern, alles Wichtige über Freunde und Familie zu erfassen und zu verwalten.
Nun haben die Entwickler eine komplette Neuinterpretation der Software als Beta veröffentlicht. Codename Chandler.
Der Name ist auf jeden Fall eine nette Anspielung auf die Sitcom Friends. 😊
#naming #friends #chandler #monica #software #opensource
Be Careful Using ‘Menu’: https://adrianroselli.com/2023/05/be-careful-using-menu.html
Help better communicate accessibility with your developers by properly naming your components. I wasn’t aware the navigation with multiple levels at the top of a page is called “fly out” navigation, so, yeah, now I do! by @aardrian
#Accessibility #Naming