In Go, a package is a directory of Go files, and a module is a collection of packages.
To me, things would have been clearer if it were the other way around:
You'd package a bunch of modules together.
I feel like the guy naming this just had a little mental breakdown after someone asked what they should call it and shouted "a damn house!" and they just rolled with it 😄 #furniture #namingishard
Am I upset that I spent the day push a wet noodle up the wrong hill? Sorta. But I did learn a lot about how the previous IT guy set things up, and where (I think he was headed).
Hopefully the newly gained understanding / knowledge will still be in my head come Monday. 2/2
#eks #cloudformation #LoadBalancer #namingishard
Added update and insert capability to my #textual based SQLite app, and turned it into a full Python package. Still very much a work in progress.
Now it's called sqint - SQlite IN Terminal. Yeah, I'm bad at naming things...
#textual #sqlite #python #tui #namingishard
Naming conventions in programming – a review of scientific literature,
Today I'm starting layout for the "playtest edition" of the new edition of Silver Gryphon Games' Aether RPG.
This playtest edition is meant to be a low-art, pre-editing copy for people to discover the rules.
I still need to figure out a better name than "playtest edition" though.
#silvergryphongames #aetherrpg #namingishard
What do you call classes that implement an interface using one or more other objects that implement the same interface?
new MultiLogger(
new ConsoleLogger(),
new FileLogger(path)
new ScaleRenderer(
new ChristmasTreeRenderer(),
factor: 2
new NegationComparer(
new StringLengthComparer()
I tend to say higher-order interfaces, though it's not the interface that is of "higher order".
#namingishard #programming #code
Are the Welsh ever going to confront Team Cymru?
#foss #opensource #melodrama #infosec #NamingIsHard #LoseTheFeather
#foss #opensource #melodrama #infosec #namingishard #losethefeather
Hmkay... last time I checked I did not work in the movie business 😂
#python #ogrepower #namingishard
Shortcuts is the *worst* name for an application when trying to look up details about how to use it. #macOS #NamingIsHard
“thingy to build thingies” sounds like a compiler. Or maybe an orchestrator? #NamingIsHard
@chaosmonster @deadparrot Sure, a good practice. Still, what does better mean: cleaner, simpler, less code, not as condensed, ...
And all is subjective.
I try to find consensus in my team on what we consider good/simple/clean. #namingIsHard
That one file with hundreds of lines of code. You know the one I'm talking about.
Where did it come from? Who did that?
#singleresponsibilityprinciple #godclass #namingishard
Hey UI and HTML friends, how would you name this block showing the name of the selected notes on a musical score 🎼?