#NanaKaoru #NanaKaoruDasletzteJahr #AiUehara #Bondage #Catsuit #DasletzteJahr #Ecchi #Erfahrung #Erotik #Kaoru #KaoruSugimura #Latex #Leder #Lesen #Manga #Meinung #Nana #NanaChigusa #Review #Rezension #RyokoTachi #Seilmeister #Spinoff #Test #Testbericht #Wertung
#nanakaoru #nanakaorudasletztejahr #aiuehara #bondage #catsuit #dasletztejahr #ecchi #erfahrung #erotik #kaoru #kaorusugimura #latex #Leder #lesen #manga #meinung #nana #nanachigusa #review #rezension #ryokotachi #seilmeister #spinoff #test #testbericht #Wertung
Black Stones >>>> Trapnest CHANGE MY MIND! ùwú
✒️ @Krita
#krita #kritadrawing #nana #osakinana #aiyazawa
“Bring me a pot of pomade and a pound of burnt almonds ….”
–“Nana” by Émile Zola
#Nana #NanaBook #NanaNovel #Zola #ÉmileZola #EmileZola #LesRougonMacquart #Literature #FrenchLiterature
#nana #nanabook #nananovel #zola #emilezola #lesrougonmacquart #literature #frenchliterature
https://www.laviezine.com/576438/bangkok-sukhumvit-soi-7-construction/ Bangkok Sukhumvit Soi 7 Construction #Asia #Bangkok #BangkokSukhumvitSoi7 #BangkokSukhumvitSoi7Construction #Bridge #BTS #BuildBackBetter #construction #EttingThere #Events #GoingUp #HighRise #locations #nana #NewWorld #night #photos #PlacesToTravel #SOI7 #SoutheastAsia #SoutheastAsiaTour #structure #SukhumvitSoi7 #Thailand #Tourism #travel #video #walkway #workers
#asia #bangkok #bangkoksukhumvitsoi7 #bangkoksukhumvitsoi7construction #bridge #bts #buildbackbetter #construction #ettingthere #events #goingup #highrise #locations #nana #newworld #night #photos #placestotravel #soi7 #southeastasia #southeastasiatour #structure #sukhumvitsoi7 #thailand #tourism #travel #video #walkway #workers
#Nana is a fantastic show. It is so full of great music of the late 90s punk era style. The characters are FULL of life and consequence. This show takes its time, and lets the story play at the pace it does. With art that works with the story, and accents it. So much care was taken with this story. Nothing feels cheep. And it wrenches the heart in the process. But by the same token, gladens it in moments too. I loved my time with it.
#Anime #Animation
W sumje pomyslałam dzisiaj też o bomberce. #ochoty #przypadki #nana https://pol.social/@takarybka/110906267658899639
#NanaKaoru #Bewerten #Bewertung #Ecchi #Erfahrung #Kaoru #Lesen #Manga #Meinung #nackteHaut #Nana #Review #Rezension #RyutaAmazume #Tachi #Test #Testbericht #Tests #Wertung
#nanakaoru #bewerten #bewertung #ecchi #erfahrung #kaoru #lesen #manga #meinung #nacktehaut #nana #review #rezension #ryutaamazume #Tachi #test #testbericht #tests #Wertung
I am trying to finish #Nana on hulu before it expires in week or so. This show was not meant to be bendged. Each ep is a full meal, and needs to be taken one ep at a time. SO well put together.
@LenteScura posted a #Hole song the otherday, and then I realized where I had heard the kind of music in Nana before. Making me respect the bands from the #90s and the distinct sound they had. Making me respect that era of music I grew up in.
#Music #Anime #Punk #Rock
#nana #hole #90s #music #anime #punk #rock
NANA (ナナ) - great man (лирик-видео)
#JR_Sample #jrock #visualkei #NANA
#nana #VisualKei #jrock #JR_Sample
瀧本美織バンドからメンバー脱退 RINO、方向が違う https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1796788/gravure-idols/
#Miori #Nana #NHK #Rino #sweets #Yukino #ガールズバンド・LAGOON #ソニー損保 #てっぱん #メンバー脱退 #方向が違う #瀧本美織 #瀧本美織バンド #自動車保険 #連続テレビ小説
#miori #nana #nhk #rino #sweets #yukino #ガールズバンド・lagoon #ソニー損保 #てっぱん #メンバー脱退 #方向が違う #瀧本美織 #瀧本美織バンド #自動車保険 #連続テレビ小説
1stアカウント(115sounds 2020.9~)
2ndアカウント(66sounds 2021.7~)
3rdアカウント(56sounds 2022.4~)
#音楽 #相互フォロー #相互希望 #相互 #nana #nanamusic #music
#music #nanamusic #nana #相互 #相互希望 #相互フォロー #音楽
Tymczasem mój nastrój na niedzielę: płakanko nad ukochanymi rzeczami sprzed wielu lat ale z innych powodów, niż wtedy.
Obrazek być może powiązany 😅 Trochę chcę zrobić recenzję, a trochę mam wrażenie, że to byłby już mentalny ekshibicjonizm...
#smetamdzis #yazawaai #nana #manga