I know it sounds like mere hyperbole, but it's real and it happened to me just last week.
Forty 👏 Pounds 👏 Of 👏 Shit 👏
And I really did believe it was a sausage. smdh.
It's really embarrassing obviously, but reflects even worse on the #portland #activists who keep viciously fooling me in this way.
Thank you #NancyRommelmann. https://kolektiva.social/@findoctrine/110573204903584702
#Portland #activists #nancyrommelmann
despite the slings and arrows of outrageous empirical data, #NancyRommelmann will never stop making this claim lol
despite the slings and arrows of outrageous empirical data, #NancyRommelmann will never stop making this claim lol
here's a video of intrepid #TruthTeller and #InvestigativeJournalist #NancyRommelmann confidently stating in 2020 that #PortlandPolice had already been #defunded by 50% for five years at that point
in reality, their budget had ballooned from 183M to 231M since 2015.
I'm sure this was just an innocent mistake, and not far-right disinformation / propaganda.
#truthteller #investigativeJournalist #nancyrommelmann #PortlandPolice #defunded
ICMYI - #NancyRommelmann used #ReasonMagazine to whitewash an alt-right fascist who crossed state lines to travel to #PDX, then yelled homophobic slurs while engaging in mob violence along with #ProudBoys, #Nazis, and #Fascists https://kolektiva.media/w/uVetLZzej5CfB8CWXfH4yz
#nancyrommelmann #ReasonMagazine #pdx #proudboys #nazis #fascists
just yesterday, for the seventh time in less than a month, a black-clad activist handed me a sausage, saying "hey, enjoy this sausage, I know how much you love sausages" -- reader, once again i found out the hard way that it was a turd.
honestly feeling really betrayed by my #PDX community. :(
grateful to intrepid truth-teller #NancyRommelmann for giving voice to my experience.
just yesterday, for the seventh time in less than a month, a black-clad activist handed me a sausage, saying "hey, enjoy this sausage" -- reader, once again i found out the hard way that it was a turd.
honestly feeling really betrayed by my community. :(
grateful to #NancyRommelmann for giving voice to my experience.
on june 30, 2018, alt-right fascist Erin Smith yelled homophobic slurs & brutally assaulted someone who was laying on the ground after they had been knocked down from a punch by convicted #January6 #SeditiousConspiracy #ProudBoys leader #EthanNordean.
#ReasonMagazine's right wing pundit #NancyRommelmann ignored this incident (and many others) & laundered Smith as a "conservative". https://kolektiva.media/w/uVetLZzej5CfB8CWXfH4yz
#January6 #SeditiousConspiracy #proudboys #ethannordean #ReasonMagazine #nancyrommelmann
the #AltRight fascist who #NancyRommelmann whitewashed as a "conservative" was assaulting someone in collaboration with convicted #January6 #ProudBoys seditious conspiracist #EthanNordean https://kolektiva.media/w/uVetLZzej5CfB8CWXfH4yz
#altright #nancyrommelmann #January6 #proudboys #ethannordean
#NancyRommelmann whitewashes fascists to help push a far right cultural movement https://kolektiva.social/@findoctrine/109433993321682713