This RISC-V CPU Games in Rust from Inside the Game - [Xander Naumenko] has created something truly impressive — a working RISC-V CPU co... - #computerhacks #nand2tetris #terraria #risc-v #games #news
#news #games #risc #terraria #nand2tetris #computerhacks
#nand2tetris update- Got the ALU done earlier, now have the 64 bit RAM chip done. There are more RAM chips, but the architecture is such that scaling up from here is trivial. Like copy/paste and edit a few characters trivial.
Got the ALU in #nand2tetris mostly working, need to get the status bits functioning then it's done.
It's an interesting design, I could see an easy path to extending it to add more functionality, such as hardware multiplication.
@anthillsocial If they ever move on to wanting to know how computers work, from bit level up, I can highly recommend the #Nand2Tetris free course. It goes from a single AND gate up to microprocessor level in easy steps. the trick is not to help people out. It's something you can cheat but don't. It's far more rewarding to work the circuits out yourself using freely available online circuit software
I wonder if I missed something or if the demultiplexer really is simpler than the multiplexer in #nand2tetris
A few days ago, while wandering aimlessly around the internet, I cam across this gem;
nand2tetris is a training course on computers from first principles to the creation of a Tetris like game. Designed mostly for high school kids.
#computereducation #nand2tetris
That is useful for bringing us closer to the assembler, facilitating the translation of VM instructions into Asm instructions later. Have a look at project 7 and 8 of #nand2tetris to dig deeper!
The last 3 days I was fighting with fixed point arithmetic and #Mandelbrot set calculations for the ongoing project on #nand2tetris… still not satisfied with the result in the emulator, but learned sooo much… references: and
So my HDL playing has been partially converting nand2tetris HDL into actual Verilog so that I can hopefully put it on an actual FPGA, and I've managed to get as far as loading my ALU into yosys and generating a nice diagram of it and y'all, it looks pretty rad! Check it out!
(Spoilers for #nand2tetris I guess, don't look too closely if you don't want to know how I put my ALU together!) That is a hard question. To really have a hands on experience it would probably require some hardware alongside it. I think it helps to have some particular goal in mind and make your own project that you want to implement. One thing that would be interesting for example is implementing the computer system from "Elements of Computing Systems" ( #nand2tetris) using VHDL instead of their own custom HDL and piece together the necessary information from random web sources.