on my previous account, I posted conference coverage for a few meetings (with a mixed number of posts; I do not know how to list just my posts):
- #epiLipidNet https://akademienl.social/tags/epiLipidNet
- #maasosf23 https://akademienl.social/tags/maasosf23
- #srd23 https://akademienl.social/tags/srd23
- #iwomi2023 https://akademienl.social/tags/iwomi2023
- #DMCM2023 https://akademienl.social/tags/DMCM2023
- the #OpenScienceChallenge https://akademienl.social/tags/OpenScienceChallenge
- #NanoInformaTIX https://akademienl.social/tags/NanoInformaTIX
- #BioHackEU22 https://akademienl.social/tags/BioHackEU22
#epilipidnet #maasosf23 #srd23 #iwomi2023 #dmcm2023 #opensciencechallenge #nanoinformatix #biohackeu22
we can make as many databases, tools, models, etc, but if we don't decide to use them, then it won't make research output FAIR or Open or both. Then, did the research really happen? And how will it benefit the EU community? #NanoInformaTIX
I was hoping that https://search.data.enanomapper.net/projects/nanoinformatix would be switch to accessible today #NanoInformaTIX
plenty of interesting work mentioned in the current presentation, but all seems communication, not dissemination that I was expecting from the meeting title "Delivering results to the world" #NanoInformaTIX
from the #NanoInformaTIX meeting: an #Python #eNanoMapper API client: https://pypi.org/project/pynanomapper/
#nanoinformatix #python #enanomapper
I'm attending the #NanoInformaTIX public dissemination symposium. I'll tweet things I like (like #openscience output)