Un híbrido de un polímero conductor y grafeno para revolucionar la electrónica https://lasendadeapolo.com/2023/07/25/un-hibrido-de-un-polimero-conductor-y-grafeno-para-revolucionar-la-electronica/ Un grupo de investigadores del Instituto de Carboquímica (ICB) del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) ha conseguido un avance importante en el desarrollo de dispositivos más eficientes y sostenibles. Se trata de una combinación especial de nanomateriales que originan un producto capaz de transformar la luz en electricidad y viceversa mucho más rápido que los materiales convencionales. El trabajo se ha publicado en la revista Chemistry of Materials.
Se ha conseguido un híbrido de dos nanomateriales: un polímero conductor llamado politiofeno, en forma de nanopartículas 1D; y un nanomaterial 2D derivado del grafeno, el óxido de grafeno. Las propiedades únicas que presenta son muy prometedoras para mejorar la eficiencia de dispositivos optoelectrónicos como las pantallas de dispositivos electrónicos y paneles solares, entre otros.
Los investigadores han encontrado que la estrategia de síntesis empleada para crear el nuevo material permite al polímero adoptar una estructura especial en forma de nanopartículas dispersables en agua, lo que favorece un contacto íntimo con las láminas de óxido de grafeno. Este contacto, a su vez, genera cambios en el comportamiento eléctrico del material y lo hace más eficiente eléctricamente.
#ciencia #electronica #nanomaterial #tecnologia #polimeros #grafeno #conductor
#ciencia #nanomaterial #tecnologia #polimeros #grafeno #conductor #electronica
A Twist on Quantum Bits: Tubular Carbon Nanomaterial Makes Ideal Home for Spinning Qubits https://thequantuminsider.com/?p=2351042 #Research #argonne_national_laboratory #Argonne’s_Center_for_Nanoscale_Materials #carbon #CNM #DOE #nanomaterial #Northwestern #Pritzker_School_of_Molecular_Engineering #spin_qubits #University_of_Chicago #quantumdaily Insider Brief Argonne National Laboratory researchers, joining scientists from several research institutions and universities, have discovered a meth
#Research #argonne_national_laboratory #Argonne #carbon #CNM #DOE #nanomaterial #Northwestern #Pritzker_School_of_Molecular_Engineering #spin_qubits #University_of_Chicago #quantumdaily
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2023-02-nanomaterial-boosts-potency-coronavirus-disinfectants.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2023-02-nanomaterial-boosts-potency-coronavirus-disinfectants.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com: http://nitter.platypush.tech/physorg_com/status/1628424312037294080#m
#Nanomaterial boosts potency of coronavirus disinfectants >@EnvSciTech https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.est.3c00163 https://phys.org/news/2023-02-nanomaterial-boosts-potency-coronavirus-disinfectants.html
#Nanomaterial can indirectly affect the #immune system via the gut #microbiome, study shows
#nanomaterial #immune #microbiome
Rice University researchers have #engineered a key light-activated #nanomaterial for the #hydrogen economy. Using only inexpensive raw materials
#Engineering #Chemistry #Environmental #Physics #sflorg
#engineered #nanomaterial #hydrogen #engineering #chemistry #environmental #physics #sflorg
RT @EU_ECHA: The latest study by the European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials #EUON predicts that the European #nanomaterial market will grow in volume & value between 2021-2025.
Want to know more about nanomaterials on the European market? 🔗https://euon.echa.europa.eu/view-article/-/journal_content/title/european-nanomaterial-market-expected-to-grow?utm_campaign=EUON+market+study+Nov+2022&utm_source=Twitter.com&utm_medium=Facelift…
RT @EU_ECHA: The latest study by the European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials #EUON predicts that the European #nanomaterial market will grow in volume & value between 2021-2025.
Want to know more about nanomaterials on the European market? 🔗https://euon.echa.europa.eu/view-article/-/journal_content/title/european-nanomaterial-market-expected-to-grow?utm_campaign=EUON+market+study+Nov+2022&utm_source=Twitter.com&utm_medium=Facelift…
RT @EU_ECHA: The latest study by the European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials #EUON predicts that the European #nanomaterial market will grow in volume & value between 2021-2025.
Want to know more about nanomaterials on the European market? 🔗https://euon.echa.europa.eu/view-article/-/journal_content/title/european-nanomaterial-market-expected-to-grow?utm_campaign=EUON+market+study+Nov+2022&utm_source=Twitter.com&utm_medium=Facelift…
RT @EU_ECHA: The latest study by the European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials #EUON predicts that the European #nanomaterial market will grow in volume & value between 2021-2025.
Want to know more about nanomaterials on the European market? 🔗https://euon.echa.europa.eu/view-article/-/journal_content/title/european-nanomaterial-market-expected-to-grow?utm_campaign=EUON+market+study+Nov+2022&utm_source=Twitter.com&utm_medium=Facelift…
The latest study by the European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials #EUON predicts that the European #nanomaterial market will grow in volume & value between 2021-2025.
Want to know more about nanomaterials on the European market? 🔗https://fcld.ly/euonmarketstudyt
.@EU_Commission recommends a new definition of #nanomaterial
Find out more in the #OfficialJournal C 229
#nanomaterial #OfficialJournal #nanotechnology #EUscience #EUknowledge