Inuk man teaching his boy how to shoot. The man, Allakariallak, was popularly known as Nanook of the North. Circa 1920s.
#inuk #nanooknation #nanook #northerncanada #canadianarctic #Allakariallak #igloo #eskimo #nativecanadian #history #canadianhistory #historical #fatherandson #timetphoto
#inuk #nanooknation #nanook #northerncanada #canadianarctic #allakariallak #igloo #eskimo #nativecanadian #history #canadianhistory #historical #fatherandson #timetphoto
Looking for a good night song?
May I suggest this by Fredrick Elsner of #Nanook a #Greenlandic #indie band?
No idea what it means, but I quite like it.
#frederikelsner #pinerrarissuaq #kayak #kajak #indie #Greenlandic #nanook Immediately brings memories of #FrankZappa #MothersOfInvention
#YellowSnow #Nanook
#Music #IconsAndLegends
If you haven't tasted Zappa or experienced any of his 50+ albums.... you're sorely missing out.
#iconsandlegends #Music #apostrophe #nanook #yellowsnow #mothersofinvention #frankzappa