#Nanoplastic ingestion causes neurological deficits 👇🧐
#Nanoplastic #Ingestion Causes #Neurological Deficits
Small #plastic particulates can induce inflammatory responses in the gut and brain, but removing them reverses this damage.
#nanoplastic #ingestion #neurological #plastic
Mind blowing visualizations by Luís Calejo (https://www.linkedin.com/in/luiscalejo/) of the staggering #statistics associated with #plasticwaste #plasticpollution #microplastic and #nanoplastic #pollution ⬇️
#pollution #nanoplastic #microplastic #plasticpollution #plasticwaste #statistics
Our new paper is out in a theme issue of Phil. Trans. B ! (‘Infectious disease ecology and evolution in a changing world’)
This was the first published study to assess the effects of #nanoplastic particles on infection parameters in the popular #Daphnia-microparasite system (featuring the yeast #Metschnikowia bicuspidata and microsporidium #Ordospora colligata).
#nanoplastic #daphnia #metschnikowia #ordospora
Steam disinfection of silicone-rubber baby bottle nipples exposes babies and the environment to #microplastic and #nanoplastic particles. #pollution #health https://www.nature.com/articles/s41565-021-00998-x
#microplastic #nanoplastic #pollution #health
Steam disinfection of silicone-rubber baby bottle nipples exposes babies and the environment to #microplastic and #nanoplastic particles. #pollution #health https://www.nature.com/articles/s41565-021-00998-x
#Health #Pollution #nanoplastic #microplastic
I find it so rewarding to see my students preforming great and loving their work. Carlota is working on #nanoplastic effects, and got some very interesting results. Super presentation for our plastic group. Thanks @Louviggo@twitter.com for co-supervision. #plasticpollution @roskildeuni@twitter.com
#plasticpollution #nanoplastic
UV light from the sun slowly breaks down #plastics on the #ocean 's surfaces. Floating #microplastic is broken down into ever smaller, invisible #nanoplastic particles that spread across the entire water column, but also to compounds that can then be completely broken down by bacteria.
#plastics #ocean #microplastic #nanoplastic
@t_aus_m Eben, das ist es ja. Nachhaltig (im Sinne von: lange etwas von haben) ist z.Bsp. mittlerweile die Feinstaubverbreitung oder die #plastic zu #microplastic zu #nanoplastic Belastung von Boden, Luft, Wasser und damit allen Lebewesen
#plastic #microplastic #nanoplastic
Nanomaterials | Free Full-Text | Exposure to #Nanoplastic Particles Enhances Acinetobacter Survival, Biofilm Formation, and Serum Resistance https://www.mdpi.com/2079-4991/12/23/4222
Editorial in @env_int_journal@twitter.com about #microplastic & #nanoplastic toxicity and health effects with Lei Wang @AliceAHorton@twitter.com @elvisgbxu@twitter.com ⬇️
Micro(nano)plastic toxicity and health effects: Special issue guest ed... https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160412022005530 @DalScience@twitter.com @DalhousieU@twitter.com @SRES_Dal@twitter.com
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#plastiverse #plasticpollution #microplastic #nanoplastic #macroplastic
I know that microplastic pollution is very actual topic during last years. My laboratory did comprehensive review using data from 500 studies (published 2010-2020) on different model organisms and experimental approaches. On link you can find paper that I hope can be useful for someone how is studying or wants to be involved in MPs. Special look at supplementary material. #microplastic #nanoplastic #modelorganisms #experiments #lab29 #pollution
#microplastic #nanoplastic #modelOrganisms #experiments #lab29 #pollution