#Bresil 🇧🇷 : nous, élu•es de gauche au Parlement européen🇪🇺, apportons notre plus franc soutien à la démocratie brésilienne et au Président #Lula élu par le peuple.
L'extrême-droite déteste la démocratie. Nous la combattrons toujours, partout !
#bresil #lula #naopassarao #naoaogolpismo
RT @peoplesassembl_
Brazil is now witnessing the initial steps of a coup attempt against the recently inaugurated govt of Lula da Silva. We condemn this attempt by far-right mobs to seize power against the democratic mandate of millions of Brazilians who voted for change #NoAlGolpismo #NãoAoGolpismo
RT @peoplesassembl_@twitter.com
Brazil is now witnessing the initial steps of a coup attempt against the recently inaugurated govt of Lula da Silva. We condemn this attempt by far-right mobs to seize power against the democratic mandate of millions of Brazilians who voted for change #NoAlGolpismo #NãoAoGolpismo
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/peoplesassembl_/status/1612177307598299136