Recent appearances:
* Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World: #NaomiKlein in conversation with Cory Doctorow
* An Audacious Plan to Halt the Internet's Enshittification and Throw It Into Reverse (@defcon 31)
* Gaslit Nation (pt 2)
Recent appearances:
* Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World: #NaomiKlein in conversation with Cory Doctorow
* An Audacious Plan to Halt the Internet's Enshittification and Throw It Into Reverse (@defcon 31)
* Gaslit Nation (pt 2)
@JMad17 Her interview with Kara Swisher here:
[On with Kara Swisher] What Naomi Klein Found Down the Steve Bannon Rabbit Hole #onWithKaraSwisher via @PodcastAddict
#naomiwolf #stevebannon #karaswisher #naomiklein #onwithkaraswisher
Tonight (Sep 6) at 19h, I'm hosting #NaomiKlein at #LAPublicLibrary for *Doppelganger*:
Sep 12/19h, I'm at #Toronto's Another Story Bookshop with *The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation*:
#naomiklein #LAPublicLibrary #toronto
Tomorrow (Sep 6) at 19h, I'm hosting #NaomiKlein at #LAPublicLibrary for *Doppelganger*:
Sep 9/19h, I'm at #Toronto's Another Story Bookshop with *The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation*:
#naomiklein #LAPublicLibrary #toronto
I learned this rhyme in *Doppelganger*, #NaomiKlein's indescribable semi-memoir that is (more or less) about the way that people confuse her with Naomi *Wolf*, and how that fact has taken on a new urgency as Wolf descended into conspiratorial politics, becoming a far-right darling and frequent Steve Bannon guest:
Reading this review of the new #naomiklein book. I guess when you say “I’ve always called my writing ammo for activists,” it's hard to think hard about misplaced certainties across the full right/"diagonalist"/left spectrum:
15 books to get to know me
- #UnderstandingMedia by #MarshallMcluhan
- #ExpandedCinema by #GeneYoungblood
- #TheMythofSisyphus by #AlbertCamus
- #NakedLunch by #WilliamSBurroughs
- #ParableSeries by #OctaviaEButler
- #OntheRoad by #JackKerouac
- #MondoUtah by #TrentHarris
- #YouCan'tWin by #JackBlack (no, not that one)
- #MobyDick by #HermanMelville
- #PeopleoftheAbyss by #JackLondon
- #SpurtofBlood by #AntoninArtaud
- #ShockDoctrine by #NaomiKlein
-anything by #Samuel Beckett
-random #HughNibley article
-anything by #ChrisHedges
#understandingmedia #marshallmcluhan #expandedcinema #geneyoungblood #themythofsisyphus #albertcamus #nakedlunch #WilliamSBurroughs #parableseries #OctaviaEButler #ontheroad #jackkerouac #mondoutah #trentharris #youcan #jackblack #mobydick #HermanMelville #peopleoftheabyss #jacklondon #spurtofblood #antoninartaud #shockdoctrine #naomiklein #samuel #hughnibley #chrishedges #naomiklein In het Engels, maar wat wederom een fascinerende vloed aan inzichten van de auteur van "the Shock Doctrine". Haar laatste boek gaat, onder meer, over dat curieuze verschijnsel dat zoveel politici en influencers die op links begonnen maar niet echt door wisten te breken naar de top, later opeens samen spanden met rechts tot zelfs extreem-rechts en daar wél de aandacht kregen waarnaar ze kennelijk bovenal verlangen. #clickbait #conspiracytheory #disinformation
#disinformation #conspiracytheory #clickbait #naomiklein
"By early 2021, when she was casting nearly every public health measure marshalled to control the Covid pandemic as a covert plan by the Chinese Communist party, the World Economic Forum and Anthony Fauci to usher in a sinister new world order, I began to feel as if I was reading a parody of The Shock Doctrine, one with all facts and evidence carefully removed.."
#NaomiKlein writes of her "#Doppelganger," #NaomiWolf
#conspiracism #antiscience #antivaxx #books
#naomiklein #doppelganger #naomiwolf #conspiracism #antiscience #antivaxx #books
Naomi Klein examines conspiracy theorists right and left teaming up to promote disinformation through the lens of people confusing her for Naomi Wolf.
"If the claims are coming from the far right, the covert plan is for a green/socialist/no-borders/Soros/forced-vaccine dictatorship, while the new agers warn of a big pharma/GMO/biometric-implant/5G/robot-dog/forced-vaccine dictatorship."
#conspiracy #disinformation #naomiklein
A story about the descent of #NaomiWolf into the #mirrorworld (which reminded me of the #upsidedown from Stranger Things)
#NaomiKlein on following her ‘doppelganger’ down the #conspiracy rabbit hole – and why millions of people have entered an alternative political reality | Naomi Klein | The Guardian
#ConspiracyTheories #Misinformation #altrightwing #CriticalThinking
#criticalthinking #altrightwing #misinformation #conspiracytheories #conspiracy #naomiklein #UpsideDown #MirrorWorld #naomiwolf
#NaomiKlein attempts an explanation of why so .any people get lost in the mirror worlds of #conspiracy theories: Some people profit greatly and directly from spreading misinformation but they are also providing something which no one else offers: certainty, agency, and community.
#NaomiKlein tells about her doppelganger, #NaomiWolf:
' When she was casting nearly every public health measure marshalled to control the Covid pandemic as a covert plan by the Chinese Communist party, the World Economic Forum and Anthony Fauci to usher in a sinister new world order, I began to feel as if I was reading a parody of The Shock Doctrine, one with all facts and evidence carefully removed, and coming to cartoonishly broad conclusions I would never support. '
Toi Kleinin Doppelganger-kirjan ote VanityFairissa oli niin hyvä, että laitoin Into-kustannukselle saman tien mailia, aikovatko ottaa käännöksen kustannusohjelmaan. Vaikka koko kirja ei ole vielä ilmestynytkään.
»This is a warning that recurs often in doppelganger books and films: When the self is carved up, the external self can develop its own agenda and overtake the “real” self completely. It’s a lesson highly relevant in the age of human-impersonating chatbots, but it may also help explain why so many formerly trustworthy people seem to turn into unscrupulous attention addicts on platforms designed to partition us from ourselves.» #NaomiKlein
»Of course, for my students, the doubling did not stop once they got into university. One, an exile from the business school, shared that an early assignment had been to develop a “30-second elevator pitch” for himself. As he distilled his being down to his most marketable qualities, he told his classmates, “I felt my soul leave my body.” They all seemed to know how he felt—these were the early days of pandemic Zoom classes, and they filled their little boxes with heart emojis.» <3 #NaomiKlein
"I have a deeply conflicted relationship with this whole idea of humans behaving like corporate brands. My first book, No Logo, was a treatise against the rise of lifestyle branding, including the idea that individual people should shape and market themselves as commodities. My treating Wolf like a branding problem would be about as off-brand as I could get." 2/2 #NaomiKlein
Interesting story by Naomi Klein how people tend to confuse her with Naomi Wolf.
I'd known about Klein since I don't know, the anti WTO protests in Seattle in 1999? but had never heard about Wolf. Except maybe very recently.