I found a sad, old ¼-#wombok (AKA #NapaCabbage, #ChineseCabbage) in the fridge this afternoon, and thought I'd better do something with it (other than throw it into the compost bin). Fortunately, I just happened to buy 1.5kg of ugly carrots yesterday...
Here's what I did:
Sliced wombok ~550g
Grated carrot ~400g
Chopped spring onion ~50g
Lime juice ~1 lime
Garlic ~3 cloves
White miso paste 1T*
Salt 2t**
Chilli flakes 1t
#kimchi #NotReallyKimchi #fermented #fermenting
*T is for Tbsp
**t is for tsp
#wombok #kimchi #fermented #fermenting #napacabbage #chinesecabbage #notreallykimchi
My #NapaCabbage #PlantBabies look similar to Gai choi when not fully mature.
#WhatsInMyGarden #Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #GardenersOfMastodon #SDFgardeners #YYJgardeners #GardenTherapy #ILovePlants #PlantLovers #botanical #plants #SimpleGoodLife #GardenTherapy #Spring #Gardening #FoodGardener #GrowFoodNotLawns #GrowingFood #FoodSecurity #SelfSufficiency #GrownFromSeed #GrowItEatIt #zone8
#napacabbage #plantbabies #whatsinmygarden #wsanec #saanich #victoriabc #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #gardenersofmastodon #sdfgardeners #yyjgardeners #gardentherapy #iloveplants #plantlovers #botanical #plants #simplegoodlife #spring #gardening #foodgardener #growfoodnotlawns #growingfood #foodsecurity #selfsufficiency #grownfromseed #growiteatit #zone8
Global News BC: Recipe: Napa Cabbage & Grapefruit Salad with Pan-seared Prawns https://globalnews.ca/news/9562275/recipe-napa-cabbage-grapefruit-salad-with-pan-seared-prawns/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #NapaCabbage&GrapefruitSaladwithPanSearedPrawns #GlobalBCMorningShow #GlobalNewsrecipe #GlobalBCrecipes #GlobalBCrecipe #Entertainment #Education #Recipes #prawns #Recipe
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #napacabbage #globalbcmorningshow #globalnewsrecipe #GlobalBCrecipes #globalbcrecipe #entertainment #education #Recipes #prawns #recipe
A mild pickle made with napa cabbage for Christmas morning. Cool, crisp, gentle, and delicious.
#pickle #napacabbage #carrot #ginger #sesameoil #ricevinegar
#pickle #napacabbage #carrot #ginger #sesameoil #ricevinegar
Napa Cabbage
#napacabbage #cabbage #China #VegetableGarden #Food #CuteVegetables #Vegetables #Cute #CharacterDesign #kidlitart #kidlitartist #childrenspublishing #childrenillustration #illustration #illustrator #JulianaMotzko
#JulianaMotzko #illustrator #illustration #childrenillustration #childrenspublishing #kidlitartist #kidlitart #CharacterDesign #cute #vegetables #CuteVegetables #food #vegetablegarden #china #cabbage #napacabbage