Here's my proposal for the #Caturdian calendar :ablobcatrave:
A week of 5 days
- #NotDogDay
- #MeowDay
- #PurringDay
- #Caturday
- #NapDay
A year of 5 months
- #Catuary
- #Cuddlepril
- #Meoway
- #Napember
- #Catember
First and last day of year are special cats days too :blobcatcoffee:
Also first and last day of months are special cats days :blobcatheart:
For leap year, just add a #SpecialCatDay between last and first day of year :apartyblobcat:
#caturdian #notdogday #meowday #purringday #caturday #napday #catuary #cuddlepril #meoway #napember #catember #specialcatday #cat #cats #catsofmastodon #mastocats
Here's my proposal for the #Caturdian calendar :ablobcatrave:
A week of 5 days
- #NotDogDay
- #MeowDay
- #PurringDay
- #Caturday
- #NapDay
A year of 5 months
- #Catuary
- #Cuddlepril
- #Meoway
- #Napember
- #Catember
First and last day of year are special cats days too :blobcatcoffee:
Also first and last day of months are special cats days :blobcatheart:
For leap year, just add a #SpecialCatDay between last and first day of year :apartyblobcat:
#caturdian #notdogday #meowday #purringday #caturday #napday #catuary #cuddlepril #meoway #napember #catember #specialcatday #cat #cats #catsofmastodon #mastocats