Stay focused with a #Pomodoro split of your tasks. #AppleMusic Integration can auto-play/pause music to keep you focused.
Recorded video has music muted, but you can see how the ⏯️ icon changes & hear my sounds. Do you like it? Any feedback?
#pomodoro #applemusic #wip #napdev #iosdev #BuildInPublic
The UI of my #Contacts app to stay connected with people long-term is complete, including #search! 💪
Last 2 steps before kicking off the #Beta:
– Persistence with #SwiftData
– Server & API with #Vapor
Let’s see how nice SwiftData really is!
#WIP #NAPDev #SwiftUI #BuildInPublic
#contacts #search #beta #swiftdata #vapor #wip #napdev #swiftui #BuildInPublic
Editing & Creating new profiles and Tabbed Navigation for my contact sharing app are now also complete ✅.
Next Up: Contacts UI, Persistence with SwiftData, the Server.
Not much left for the Beta release! 🚀
Took just 28 hours in total ⏰.
#wip #napdev #iosdev #BuildInPublic
Ditching traditional #calendars for daily planning 📆. Why? They're rigid when life throws a oversleeping! 😴
My day planner app solves it like this: 🎞️ Thoughts? 💭
#WorkInProgress #NAPDev #BuildInPublic
#iOSDev #AppDev #IndieDev
#calendars #workinprogress #napdev #BuildInPublic #iosdev #appdev #indiedev
These are the configuration options you will have as a developer for my in-app #translation framework.
You’re in full control of when & how much to request from your users, & what additional instructions you want to give.
Do you miss anything?
#translation #wip #napdev #l10n #i18n #swiftui
How I split my day to work on 7 apps all at once? See the daily schedule I started with as an early preview of my upcoming productivity app: A flexible day planner.
First screen is hereby done, do you like it?
#WorkInProgress #NAPDev #SwiftUI #BuildInPublic #ProductivityHack
#workinprogress #napdev #swiftui #BuildInPublic #productivityhack
2nd screen complete! What do you think?
Good enough for release? Or too boring?
Trying to get apps out faster than before instead of overworking every detail. The screen which leads to this is here:
#workinprogress #napdev #iosdev #BuildInPublic #gamedev
This is what I imagine a movie collection screen in apps like #Netflix or #Plex should look like. Early stage of my upcoming app. What do you think?
Next up: The #Movie Details screen! 🚧
#netflix #plex #movie #workinprogress #napdev #swiftui #BuildInPublic
This is what the translation screen currently looks like of my upcoming in-app translation framework. Would you add this to your iOS apps? If not, why not?
The preceding dialog:
#WorkInProgress #NAPDev #iOSDev #SwiftUI #BuildInPublic #IndieDev
#workinprogress #napdev #iosdev #swiftui #BuildInPublic #indiedev
Would you play the #Categories word game with an app like this? Or do you prefer pen & paper? First screen of my app is done.
If you don’t know Categories (German: „Stadt, Land, Fluss“), it’s fun! 👇
#categories #workinprogress #napdev #swiftui #BuildInPublic
Today I learned that AsyncImage doesn’t support the .resizable() modifier. How’s that possible? Did I miss something?
I had to revert back to Image and load the image manually + create a UIImage …
Here’s how I imagine a privacy-preserving contact sharing experience should look like. ✨🔒
#workinprogress #napdev #swiftui #BuildInPublic