This is not what I meant, when I want a new NieR game... not going to play some free2play battle royale game because of this collaboration. But this trailer still looks amazing.
Watch the Trailer 'NieR x Naraka: Bloodpoint Collaboration' here on youtube:
#Gaming #NieR #NieRReplicant #NieRAutomata #NarakaBloodpoint
#gaming #nier #nierreplicant #nierautomata #narakabloodpoint
This is not what I meant, when I want a new NieR game... never going to play some free2play battle royale game. But this trailer still looks amazing.
Watch the Trailer 'NieR x Naraka: Bloodpoint Collaboration' here on youtube:
#Gaming #NieR #NieRReplicant #NieRAutomata #NarakaBloodpoint
#gaming #nier #nierreplicant #nierautomata #narakabloodpoint