This case would mean organizations like #NARAL, #NAACP or #ACLU wouldn't be able to sue in defense of #civilliberties or #civilrights ⤵️
#naral #naacp #aclu #civilliberties #civilrights
This is not helpful
If I don't use google, what do I use ?
almost certainly Bing, duckduckgo are just as bad
I think the right answer is to use your phone to call #PlannedParenthood or #NARAL or your doctor
#boycottwalgreens #naral #plannedparenthood
Why aren't #PlannedParenthood and #NARAL calling for #BoycottWalgreens
#boycottwalgreens #naral #plannedparenthood
Why aren't #PlannedParenthood and #NARAL calling for #BoycottWalgreens
and what good is your post if it doesn't offer specific actions for people to take ?
#boycottwalgreens #naral #plannedparenthood
And why is #Walgreens supporting this gang?
"During the last election cycle, Walgreens also donated $123,500 to 39 members of Congress who received a failing grade (25% or lower) in the latest scorecard from #NARAL #ProChoiceAmerica. This group includes 12 co-sponsors of the "HeartbeatProtectionAct of 2021, a bill that would ban #abortion nationwide after 6 weeks — before many women know they are pregnant."
#walgreens #naral #prochoiceamerica #abortion
Two of our Tremosphere - Little 15 remixes on Fog Cast (Jan 25) #ResonanceFM #Radio #musodon #music #DepecheMode #CoverSong
Buy the EP on Bandcamp, proceeds go to #ACLU and #NARAL for #ReproductiveFreedom #AbortionRights
Listen to Fog Cast:
#resonancefm #radio #musodon #music #depechemode #coversong #aclu #naral #reproductivefreedom #abortionrights
@baylorspears reports on Sunday’s #BiggerThanRoe #WomensMarch to the state Capitol to advocate for reproductive rights. #NARAL
#biggerthanroe #WomensMarch #naral
Add your name! Bosses have no place in your decision to use birth control!
#naral #workersrights #stopdrumpf #usofa
#BrettKavanaugh is a dangerous anti-choice ideologue who could be the deciding vote that overturns or guts Roe v. Wade, dismantling our federal protections to abortion, threatening the reproductive freedom of millions, and punishing women.
Send your message now >>
via #NARAL >> #justice #politics #society #StopDrUMPf #USofA #womensrights
#brettkavanaugh #naral #politics #society #stopdrumpf #womensrights #justice #usofa