NYC’s Office of Nightlife is teaming up with the Department of Health to train bartenders on how to become the first line of defense in the fight against fentanyl.
#narcansaveslives #fentanyl #24houreconomy #nightlife
On Wed, Dec 14, 2022, at 4 p.m. EST, #24HourNation hosts a free #webinar that will bring attention to the use of #fentanyl in nightlife industries.
It will also help you know what to do to help save lives.
#NighttimeEconomy #Night #Bars #Clubs #ASAPFoundation #Narcan #NarcanSavesLives #SaveMoreLives #TestYourDrugs #StaySafe #DontLetThemTestYou #DontFnDie #ASAPYams #FENTFree #TestingKits
#testingkits #fentfree #asapyams #dontfndie #dontletthemtestyou #staysafe #testyourdrugs #savemorelives #narcansaveslives #narcan #asapfoundation #clubs #bars #night #nighttimeeconomy #fentanyl #webinar #24hournation
Things are about to get real at 24HourNation. I have just assembled a webinar for Dec. 14 that is designed to get in the heads of nighttime business owners and event producers before we lose more lives.
Moralizing, shame, drug bust photo ops and political talking points are for show.
Get sensible with me. Subscribe to #24HourNation and I'll get you the details:
#Fentanyl #Narcan #NarcanSavesLives #Webinar #SaveMoreLives #TestYourDrugs #StaySafe #DontLetThemTestYou
#dontletthemtestyou #staysafe #testyourdrugs #savemorelives #webinar #narcansaveslives #narcan #fentanyl #24hournation
Potentially positive development.
Over-the-counter versions of naloxone, a life-saving drug that can reverse opioid overdoses, could begin appearing on pharmacy shelves as early as next year.
Fentanyl misinformation is hurting evidence based harm reduction efforts. #harmreduction #narcansaveslives -
#harmreduction #narcansaveslives
You may also DM us but please allow a 24 hour turn around time to respond.
#harmreduction #planb #teststrips #narcansaveslives
#harmreduction #planb #teststrips #narcansaveslives