KrissyKat 🏳️‍⚧️ · @KrissyKat
652 followers · 5763 posts · Server

There's a GOP candidate in Indiana running for some important office who says God wants him to win the election. (Micah Beckwith).

God made me instantly forget what he's running for as soon as he said he wanted to stamp out immorality, etc.

Plus, God told me I will win the election by a miracle -- and I'm not running for anything! 😇

#indiana #gop #uspol #narcissim

Last updated 1 year ago

Toni Aittoniemi · @gimulnautti
192 followers · 2350 posts · Server

The thing with psychopathic, narcissitic cult leaders is that very often they evoke their followers being ”victims of the outside world” to legitimate their own absolute leadership over them.

Coincidentally, this is exactly how Russian leadership is behaving.

Coincidence? 😸

#psychopathy #narcissim #absolute #leadership #russia #victimhood #complex

Last updated 2 years ago

Random_Seed · @Random_Seed
13 followers · 240 posts · Server

I have not logged into Facebook in over 7 years.

#narcissim #antisocialsocial #whatisreal

Last updated 2 years ago

Ever have one of those moments where you're in a conversation or meeting and you say something and you're like "Wow that was actually really smart". I can't tell if it's or .

Like on one hand, it's kind of narcissistic to be so enveloped with one's self to be like "Oh hey listen to how smart I sound".

On the other, the fact that it's such a surprise and feels out of the ordinary suggests a level of imposter syndrome.

Does this make me an narcissistic imposter?

#impostersyndrome #narcissim

Last updated 2 years ago