Ricardo Harvin · @ricardoharvin
1380 followers · 12173 posts · Server mstdn.social

may have already visited .

Presuming that they'd be here at any point during our wafer-thin moment of existence on this is the pinnacle of arrogance.

We're also far out in the sticks of the .

Maybe we only get scanned every (1,000,000 years) or even half an epoch. They could have "just" missed early .

Anyway, the premise for 65, on , "the atmosphere is breathable" is the most unbelievable part of the plot.

#Netflix #homosapien #epoch #galaxy #milkyway #human #narcissitic #Planet #Earth #aliens

Last updated 1 year ago

Daningo_shorts · @Believer48
110 followers · 505 posts · Server neurodifferent.me

So moms been on a pretty awful tear . Just attack after attack after attack, and they’re not subtle anymore. My stomach hurts and I literally just wanna sit and sob until I have no tears left. Or call her and just scream at her ab all the bullsheet she’s spewing. But instead I just don’t respond at all and I’m just sitting on the bed frozen and in shut down mode. I might journal some of my feelings and things I wanna say to her at some point. I just hate this so much. So yeah that’s how my days been, we’ll really it’s been the past like week of her just going off on me almost daily. I’m so damn exhausted y’all.

#Today #actuallyautistic #CPTSD #verbalabuse #narcissitic #toxic

Last updated 2 years ago

Our Clinicians Exchange email list member Mark Banschick M.D. wrote this
Psychology Today article!

-------- Forwarded Message --------

Hi all,
This is a new PT piece that may help a client or two.
If it’s simply unwanted email clutter, please forgive me. J
 Mark Banschick, MD – Stamford, CT

Dysregulating the Dysregulator

/Why Some People Need to Trigger You/
Mark Banschick M.D.
<psychologytoday.com/us/contrib> -
January 16, 2023
Some dysregulated people use others to regulate themselves.
That is okay until the method of regulating involves making another
person miserable.
Let's take a closer look.

@psychology @socialwork @psychotherapists

#psychology #socialwork #psychiatry #psychotherapy #mentalhealth #borderline #bpd #npd #narcissitic #psychologytoday #projectiveidentification #melanieklein #calm #happiness

Last updated 2 years ago