The media and the narrative of society tells us about people who hear voices in their head, and do crazy terrible things, and we are lead to believe that people who hear voices are crazy.

There's much more going on in these situations.

It takes the presence of being grounded within your body while having your energies balanced and aligned to "Make Sense" of the world, ones placement within it, and one's senses.

The domesticated entrainment of normalcy breeds more insanity in its attempts at marketing, managing, harvesting, and consuming the masses.

The narrative of society, the discourse of society, must be looked at and freed from being a tool of subjugation by those who wield it.

#media #senses #voices #sensoryawareness #sensoryperception #domestication #domesticatedentrainment #normalcy #narrativeofsociety #narrativeofdiscourse #subjugation #freedom #freedomofvoice

Last updated 2 years ago

The realities of reincarnation mean that most children were adults not long ago.

#reincarnation #socialnarrative #narrativeofdiscourse #pastlives

Last updated 2 years ago

Will be curious to see how the recent solar flare which is due to have an effect tomorrow will tweak my readings with clients the next few days. It's been a bit of a whirlwind empathically as is lately. There's a lot of light hitting us right now. If only more people could process it in healthy ways. The paradigm shift is in full process, there's no escaping it, and yet the narrative of society is still dealing with cognitive dissonance over it all.

#solarflare #sun #geomagneticstorm #spiritualconsciousness #paradigmshift #narrativeofdiscourse #awakening

Last updated 2 years ago

We need to overcome the illusion that psychological consciousness is consciousness. It is not. Spiritual consciousness, consciousness of ones own frequencies of spirit and the spirit realm is actual consciousness. Psychological consciousness is only head games of various ego states and personalities. So many are lost within personalities thinking they are those behaviors of acting out. That is a major factor why the realities of reincarnation and actual sensory awareness is lost by many. They fail to see through and beyond their own projections. This must be addressed openly within the discourse of society. Otherwise humanity will continue to devolve and destroy itself.

#reincarnation #consciousness #spiritualconsciousness #narrativeofdiscourse #socialdiscourse

Last updated 2 years ago

So many old white men hell bent on destroying humanity. As a 'getting older white man' I have to say it's beyond words and society has to wake up and stop allowing people places of power over others on such scales that it does.

#warcrimes #narrativeofdiscourse #narrativeofsociety #consciousness #humankindness #wecandobetter #kindnessmatters

Last updated 2 years ago

India - What's with this country and it's "quiet" support of Russia and why is all that not discussed much.

Side Note: Last time I was in the UK I said to someone I knew there: "When I look at you why do I see in my minds eye this Indian man, as in a man from India, (and I described him) why do I see him yelling at you. The reply was Oh - that's Modi and he hates me.

Weird small world.

#narrativeofdiscourse #humanrace #peace

Last updated 2 years ago

Personally I think it is strange that we supposedly live in the most advanced country on the planet, and 'our leaders’ do not to have what is termed as ‘psychic’ visions - or see disembodied spirits.

If they do, they are not letting on.
The majority of society itself, shuns this sort of awareness.

We allow those that do not comprehend reality, to have so much control over our lives and the future of the country.
It is very peculiar.

As a kid I questioned if it was because we didn’t want to let the other countries, or aliens, know what we actually knew. I sometimes still wonder if that is the answer.

#psychicawareness #visions #aliens #raisethenarrative #narrativeofdiscourse #discourse

Last updated 2 years ago

Psychic Awareness and Abilities are Real. Many people are struggling with sensory awareness due to the lack of discernment to comprehend what they are actually sensing. For some their fear is casting dark shadows over their vision. And for others their unbalanced ego and lack of grounding is feeding their imagination false images.

There are many that hide the truth of the psychic realm because knowledge is power.

The narrative of society refuses to openly address these things. A little knowledge can be dangerous. Hiding knowledge from society at large is even more dangerous.

We must grow and transcend the cult of society that we were born into and refuse to be subjugated by culture and those who are controlling it.

#psychic #sensoryrealm #consciousness #spirit #spirituality #cult #culture #society #narrative #narrativeofdiscourse #freedom #vision #knowledge #power

Last updated 2 years ago

If you are unable to see beyond the cult, culture, of society you are born within you are blinded by your own culture.

#cult #culture #perception #vision #discernment #transcendence #society #narrativeofdiscourse #narrativeofsociety

Last updated 2 years ago

Some people pretend to be unaware to keep private over others. It’s like keeping a so the doesn’t know what’s going on - sadly that keeps in the and the of having and needing to have - it a that is of the of which keeps humanity

#leverage #secretcode #system #enemy #Humanity #dark #feeds #narrative #enemies #fosters #narrativeofdiscourse #dismissive #light #truth #subjugated

Last updated 2 years ago

Add the of consciousness the of & of other lives and the of is severely lacking in the greater realities of the of the of life.

#memories #realities #reincarnation #consciousness #narrativeofdiscourse #society #truth #multidimensionality

Last updated 2 years ago

has a and thus everyone is

Not every spirit is currently into thus there are or non embodied spirits.

While some spirits are currently incarnated into physicality, not every physical of incarnation is aligned clearly enough to be consciously aware of their spirit - or the spirit of others.

#everyone #spirit #spiritual #incarnated #physicality #disembodied #manifestation #spiritually #consciousness #spirituality #spiritualconsciousness #raisethenarrative #narrative #narrativeofdiscourse

Last updated 2 years ago

is unwilling to hold to allow us to show our true selves. Because that means the of society are seen for what they are. Instead society demands of us to put forward a twisted version of and Be Authentic anyhow.

#society #Space #authentic #illusionary #dreams #humility #humbleness #truthbombs #raisethenarrative #narrativeofdiscourse #narrative #socialdiscourse #acceptance #clarity #authenticity

Last updated 2 years ago

Here's a funny post that showed up on my on another site this

I wonder why I even when I find out a of an 8 year old boy contacted someone and asked them to make an with me since he has something to say.... the #Realm is the best you can get....

#memory #feed #socialmedia #morning #advertise #spirit #appointment #higher #wordofmouth #empath #medium #psychic #reincarnation #life #truth #raisethenarrative #narrative #narrativeofdiscourse

Last updated 2 years ago

Do you have what would appear to be of - the of being more openly in the of could lift the and many to a clearer state of

#vivid #memories #pastlives #realities #reincarnation #discussed #narrativeofdiscourse #society #narrative #help #consciousness

Last updated 2 years ago

I make a of about things the of hardly, or never, speak of because I know some people need to hear it to they themselves are not there are more of us that have than society lets on. the

#habit #speaking #boldly #cult #society #comprehend #alone #sensoryawareness #Free #narrative #narrativeofdiscourse

Last updated 2 years ago