Kevin Karhan :verified: · @kkarhan
1321 followers · 91778 posts · Server

@qurlyjoe then we'd be like that die in a panic attack because their heart then beats even slower, causing them to die from Hypoxia..


Last updated 1 year ago

Mikal 🐋 · @mikallemachtig
381 followers · 5545 posts · Server

A group of narwhals is called a blessing

#funfact #narwhals

Last updated 2 years ago

Ian Rose · @ianrosewrites
1121 followers · 693 posts · Server

Cool paper. Narwhals are apparently really bad at hunting in summer. 86-92% of summer foraging dives come up empty, adding up to them eating less than 0.5% of their body mass per day.

That makes packing on the pounds in winter even more important than we thought. It's a big step to prioritizing conservation of the places they need most to fatten up and survive summer.

Paper is free and open to read:

#openscience #scicomm #marinebiology #oceans #marinemammals #narwhals

Last updated 2 years ago

Kate :verigold: · @DolphinSeeker
303 followers · 812 posts · Server
KaylinQ · @KaylinQ
158 followers · 589 posts · Server

"As global warming causes Arctic waters to heat up and sea ice to melt,  adapted to a cloistered life are threatened by the arrival of other and by increases in human activity.

The three  species that live in the year-round— , and —are particularly at risk."!

#marineanimals #aquaticmammals #whale #arctic #narwhals #belugas #bowheads

Last updated 2 years ago

Jay é’»ć‡ Falk · @jjinsing
135 followers · 50 posts · Server

Extremely niche question about for or researchers:

Female narwhals sometimes develop tusks. Is there any data out there on how much these tusks vary in size, or any research on female tusks specifically?

#narwhals #cetacean #animalweapon

Last updated 2 years ago

Beetroot Paul · @beetrootpaul
79 followers · 37 posts · Server
Clifstan · @clifstan
58 followers · 2713 posts · Server

Link: For a dentist, the narwhal’s smile is a mystery of evolution

'“It is striking when you think that this animal decided to take all of its tooth-producing energy and put it into one thing [a tusk] that sticks out nine feet into the ocean. With the amount of energy that it takes to produce that one tusk it could easily have 30 to 40 teeth in its mouth doing other things,” Nweeia explains. “Evolutionary-wise something is saying don’t do this, instead it is better to grow this extraordinary tusk.” A pretty compelling reason must be behind such a decision.”
There are many kinds of curious expressions of teeth in whales, narwhals being the most extraordinary, Nweeia says. “The strap-toothed whale, for example, has two teeth that wrap over its upper jaw preventing the animal from opening its mouth.”'

(Via @sohkamyung )

#animals #biology #nature #whales #narwhals

Last updated 6 years ago