Und weil drüben gerade alls in die Hose geht, habe ich dies zu Anlass genommen das passende Motiv endlich fertig zu spachteln.
Schenkt dir das Leben Zitronen, spachtel ein Klo!
#acrylpainting #nastoart #riptwitter
A Mallard drake splashes water over its self. This is actually a form of flirtation.. Ducks waterproof themselves through a process called preening. The take oil in their beaks from a gland and rub it on their feathers. This photo was captured along the Neuse river at Union Point park in New Bern, North Carolina.
Available at https://bob-decker.pixels.com/featured/water-off-of-a-ducks-back-bob-decker.html
#AYearForArt #ArtMatters #waterfowl #fineart #wallart #fineartphotography #naturephotography #fediart #nastoart #wildlife #art #nature
#ayearforart #artmatters #waterfowl #fineart #wallart #fineartphotography #naturephotography #fediart #nastoart #wildlife #art #nature
🙂Artist: #JaeKaes (JaeCaes) - in City: #Paris France 🇫🇷 - #Streetart #Art #Nastoart #Mural #Artwork #UrbaneezArt
#urbaneezart #artwork #Mural #nastoart #art #streetart #paris #jaekaes