Kotaku: Uncharted 2's Co-Director Also Noticed That Mission: Impossible Train Scene https://kotaku.com/mission-impossible-uncharted-2-train-scene-compare-ps3-1850648830 #gaming #tech #kotaku #uncharted3drakesdeception #thelostworldjurassicpark #entertainmentculture #christophermcquarrie #actionadventuregames #thirdpersonshooters #missionimpossible #videogamesequels #platformgames #playstation3 #brucestraley #indianajones #nathandrake #nolannorth #naughtydog #uncharted #ethanhunt #tomcruise
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #uncharted3drakesdeception #thelostworldjurassicpark #entertainmentculture #christophermcquarrie #actionadventuregames #thirdpersonshooters #missionimpossible #videogamesequels #platformgames #playstation3 #brucestraley #indianajones #nathandrake #nolannorth #NaughtyDog #uncharted #ethanhunt #tomcruise
I’m curious as to how big #IndianaJones fan base is now. I didn’t grow up with the movies but I had the #Uncharted games. #NathanDrake is my Indiana Jones. My friends feel similarly. (u k)
#indianajones #uncharted #nathandrake
(Commission) Twilight Croft and Flash Drake
Commissioned by Mattthiamore
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#TwilightSparkle #FlashSentry #LaraCroft #NathanDrake #TombRaider #Uncharted #MyLittlePony #EquestriaGirls #MyLittlePonyEquestriaGirls #MLP #EG #MyArt #FanArt
#twilightsparkle #flashsentry #laracroft #nathandrake #tombraider #uncharted #mylittlepony #equestriagirls #mylittleponyequestriagirls #mlp #eg #myart #fanart
Kotaku: 10 Of The Most Visually Stunning PlayStation 4 Games https://kotaku.com/ps4-games-best-graphics-tlou-uncharted-horizon-killzone-1850397207 #gaming #tech #kotaku #actionadventuregames #firstpersonshooters #guillermodeltoro #videogamesequels #guerrillagames #ratchet26clank #creativeworks #playstation4 #playstation3 #firsthorizon #jakanddaxter #playstation2 #playstation #hideokojima #nathandrake #videogaming #videogames #naughtydog #delsinrowe #killzone #ps3
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #actionadventuregames #firstpersonshooters #guillermodeltoro #videogamesequels #guerrillagames #ratchet26clank #creativeworks #playstation4 #playstation3 #firsthorizon #jakanddaxter #playstation2 #playstation #hideokojima #nathandrake #videogaming #videogames #NaughtyDog #delsinrowe #killzone #ps3
Kotaku: 11 ‘Bad’ Games We’ll Die Defending https://kotaku.com/11-bad-games-well-defend-mass-effect-andromeda-ps4-1850274471 #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #actionadventuregames #videogamecharacters #openworldvideogames #thelegendofzelda #supersmashbros #residentevil6 #residentevil7 #residentevil5 #finalfantasy #nathandrake #videogames #squareenix #slycooper #samusaran #nintendo #metroid #zeldaii #shepard #sonic #link #sony #max #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #actionadventuregames #videogamecharacters #openworldvideogames #thelegendofzelda #supersmashbros #residentevil6 #residentevil7 #residentevil5 #finalfantasy #nathandrake #videogames #squareenix #slycooper #samusaran #nintendo #metroid #zeldaii #shepard #sonic #link #sony #max #rpg
Kotaku: The Last Of Us Episode 8 Recap: Joel And Ellie's Most Desperate Hour https://kotaku.com/last-of-us-tlou-recap-s1e8-david-james-troy-baker-ellie-1850191358 #gaming #tech #kotaku #englishlanguagefilms #scottshepherd #thelastofus #broadchurch #hypocorisms #nathandrake #nolannorth #craigmazin #naughtydog #troybaker #kenneth #humans #hannah #ellie #david #james #joel #hbo
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #englishlanguagefilms #scottshepherd #thelastofus #Broadchurch #hypocorisms #nathandrake #nolannorth #craigmazin #NaughtyDog #troybaker #kenneth #Humans #hannah #ellie #david #James #joel #hbo
Kotaku: Fans Think Sony Is Teasing A New Uncharted Starring Nathan Drake’s Kid https://kotaku.com/uncharted-5-cassie-drake-naughty-dog-ps5-release-date-1850049001 #gaming #tech #kotaku #actionadventuregames #thirdpersonshooters #videogamesequels #creativeworks #humaninterest #platformgames #neildruckman #nathandrake #elenafisher #playstation #cassiedrake #videogaming #naughtydog #videogames #uncharted #sony
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #actionadventuregames #thirdpersonshooters #videogamesequels #creativeworks #humaninterest #platformgames #neildruckman #nathandrake #elenafisher #playstation #cassiedrake #videogaming #NaughtyDog #videogames #uncharted #sony
Kotaku: Critics Love The New Dead Space Remake https://kotaku.com/dead-space-2023-remake-reviews-metacritic-graphics-ps5-1850036135 #gaming #tech #kotaku #singleplayervideogames #mentalillnessinfiction #survivalhorror #creativeworks #visceralgames #windowsgames #gunnerwright #nathandrake #videogaming #isaacclarke #videogames #deadspace #ishimura #hammond #wright #mercer #zombie
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #singleplayervideogames #mentalillnessinfiction #survivalhorror #creativeworks #visceralgames #windowsgames #gunnerwright #nathandrake #videogaming #isaacclarke #videogames #deadspace #ishimura #hammond #wright #mercer #zombie
Kotaku: The Best (And Worst) Video Game Adaptations You Can Stream Right Now https://kotaku.com/best-video-game-adaptations-streaming-tlou-netflix-hulu-1849969504 #gaming #tech #kotaku #losgatos2ccalifornia #umbrellacorporation #alicemillajovovich #ferdinandmagellan #thelegendofzelda #leagueoflegends #streamingmedia #paulwsanderson #nealmcdonough #creativeworks #trevorbelmont #markwahlberg #katiavandees #kristenkreuk #mortalkombat #bellaramsey #arcadegames #pedropascal #castlevania #nathandrake
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #losgatos2ccalifornia #umbrellacorporation #alicemillajovovich #FerdinandMagellan #thelegendofzelda #leagueoflegends #streamingmedia #paulwsanderson #nealmcdonough #creativeworks #trevorbelmont #markwahlberg #katiavandees #kristenkreuk #mortalkombat #bellaramsey #arcadegames #pedropascal #castlevania #nathandrake
Treasure hunter Nathan Drake found a powerful artifact. And with great power comes great... Oh that's the other guy that Holland kid played.
#uncharted #MastersOfTheUniverseRevelation #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #necatoys #nathandrake #actionfigures #toys #motu #MastersOfTheUniverse
#uncharted #mastersoftheuniverserevelation #masterverse #heman #moturevelation #necatoys #nathandrake #actionfigures #toys #motu #mastersoftheuniverse
Kotaku: The State Of PlayStation In 2022 https://kotaku.com/sony-2022-ps5-ps4-year-in-review-playstation-plus-1849934363 #gaming #tech #kotaku #sonyinteractiveentertainment #playstationproductions #homevideogameconsoles #technology2cinternet #videogameconsoles #savagegamestudios #playstationplus #hideakinishino #invideogaming #anthonymackie #jakanddaxter #markwahlberg #playstation #peterparker #nathandrake #spiderman2 #naughtydog #angrybirds #tomholland #spiderman #uncharted #netflix #amazon
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #sonyinteractiveentertainment #playstationproductions #homevideogameconsoles #technology2cinternet #videogameconsoles #savagegamestudios #playstationplus #hideakinishino #invideogaming #anthonymackie #jakanddaxter #markwahlberg #playstation #peterparker #nathandrake #spiderman2 #NaughtyDog #angrybirds #tomholland #spiderman #uncharted #netflix #amazon
I was streaming #Uncharted4 yesterday on #twitch and my own brother ended up pushing me off the cliff to my death in game, at the time I was pretty mad but now I watch it back it's become one of my favourite clips of this year, as it's just so funny so here you go 😂
Link to my twitch channel is https://www.twitch.tv/ItsBecky92 if anyone is wondering and wants to maybe give me a follow ☺️
#twitchclip #twitchclips #twitchaffiliate #twitchstreamer #Uncharted #nathandrake #samdrake
#uncharted4 #twitch #twitchclip #twitchclips #twitchaffiliate #twitchstreamer #uncharted #nathandrake #samdrake
Finished playing the #Uncharted games. Fairly silly stuff, but very #Fun #Action #Adventure, at times. The games got better (and less #Traditional in their set-up, less #Sexist, etc.) as the series progressed, the last one, #UnchartedTheLostLegacy, being my favorite. Dear #NaughtyDog, you know that #ChloeFrazer and #NadineRoss were way cooler protagonists than #NathanDrake & Co., right? #Games #PS4
#uncharted #fun #action #adventure #traditional #sexist #unchartedthelostlegacy #naughtydog #chloefrazer #nadineross #nathandrake #games #ps4
Domingo de buscar tesoros.
#FelizDomingo #Noviembre2022 #Uncharted4 #NathanDrake #Pcgaming #pcgamer #pcgames #rtx3060ti
#felizdomingo #noviembre2022 #uncharted4 #nathandrake #pcgaming #pcgamer #pcgames #rtx3060ti
Domingo de buscar tesoros.
#FelizDomingo #Noviembre2022 #Uncharted4 #NathanDrake #Pcgaming #pcgamer #pcgames #rtx3060ti
#felizdomingo #noviembre2022 #uncharted4 #nathandrake #pcgaming #pcgamer #pcgames #rtx3060ti
Call me maybe
#Uncharted4 #NathanDrake #Pcgaming #pcgamer #pcgames #RTX3060ti #Noviembre2022 #FelizViernes
#uncharted4 #nathandrake #pcgaming #pcgamer #pcgames #rtx3060ti #noviembre2022 #felizviernes
Compartiendo lecturas con mi hijo Iker. Mouse Guard Otoño 1152, un cómic maravilloso y Uncharted:El cuarto laberinto, novela canónica en la saga de aventuras de los videojuegos.
#mouseguard #mouseguardfall1152 #davidpetersen #uncharted #unchartednovel #elcuartolaberinto #nathandrake #books #libros #comics #reading #leer #booktodon #literature #literaverso
#mouseguard #mouseguardfall1152 #davidpetersen #uncharted #unchartednovel #elcuartolaberinto #nathandrake #books #libros #comics #reading #leer #booktodon #literature #literaverso
Drake and Miller Family Swing [Uncharted] [The Last of Us]
5 Images - Part 2 of 2
#Loli #lolicon #3dcg #incest #sarah #cassiedrake #nathandrake #joel #Uncharted #thelastofus #lastofus #rule34 #sfm #sourcefilmmaker
#loli #lolicon #3dcg #incest #sarah #cassiedrake #nathandrake #joel #uncharted #thelastofus #lastofus #rule34 #sfm #sourcefilmmaker