12pt9 · @12pt9
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March 27: Play an acoustic musical instrument on

There are two notable amateur films in the National Film Registry. One of them is the Zapruder film, the other Sid Laverents' Multiple SIDosis (1970).

Sid Laverents was an airplane engineer and former one-man band vaudevillian who in his fifties, joined the Amateur Moviemakers Club. One of his best known outputs, Multiple SIDosis, took him and his 16 mm four years and 1,900 feet of celluloid to make. In it, Sid – and a musical group made up of many overdubbed versions of himself – performs the popular and insanely catchy tune Nola. Catch it here: yewtu.be/watch?v=8mblxjfh5kE

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Last updated 2 years ago