Coming from large families, Dolley & James Madison were #aunt & #uncle to almost 70 (🤯 ) nieces & nephews.
Read about Dolley’s close relationship w. her niece Annie Payne on Montpelier’s Digital Doorway,
#NationalAuntandUncleDay #NationalDay #Family #AuntAndUncleDay #DolleyMadison #History #sschat #histodons #HistoryTeacher #apgov #ushistory @academicchatter
#aunt #uncle #nationalauntanduncleday #nationalday #family #auntanduncleday #dolleymadison #history #sschat #histodons #historyteacher #apgov #ushistory
Happy Aunt & Uncle's Day! Remembering our favorite Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen Lars
Uncle Owen - played by Phil Brown (ANH) and Joel Edgerton (AOTC, ROTS, and Kenobi)
Aunt Beru - played by Shelagh Fraser (ANH) and Bonnie Piesse (AOTC, ROTS, and Kenobi)
#nationalauntanduncleday #StarWars
Let's raise a glass to all the aunts and uncles on #NationalAuntAndUncleDay!