It’s #NationalBatteryDay, and naturally, that brings to mind potatoes! Or at least it does if you’ve ever made a potato battery – which was the inspiration for our video about that classic science project and its etymological connections.
On National Drink Wine Day, let's raise a glass to the power of innovation and the mysteries of the universe! Did you know the voltaic pile, the first battery, used wine to create an electrical current? Coincidentally, it's also National Battery Day, so let's pour one out for Pluto, the former planet that still captures our imaginations and inspires us to explore the far reaches of the solar system. 🍷🔋🪐 #NationalDrinkWineDay #NationalBatteryDay #PlutoDay
#nationaldrinkwineday #nationalbatteryday #plutoday
#holidays #WorldWhaleDay, #WorldPangolinDay, #NationalCrabStuffedFlounderDay, #NationalDrinkWineDay, #NationalBatteryDay, #CowMilkedWhileFlyingInAnAirplaneDay, #ThumbAppreciationDay, #RedSockDay, #PlutoDay
#holidays #worldwhaleday #worldpangolinday #nationalcrabstuffedflounderday #nationaldrinkwineday #nationalbatteryday #cowmilkedwhileflyinginanairplaneday #thumbappreciationday #redsockday #plutoday
#holidays #WorldWhaleDay, #WorldPangolinDay, #NationalCrabStuffedFlounderDay, #NationalDrinkWineDay, #NationalBatteryDay, #CowMilkedWhileFlyingInAnAirplaneDay, #ThumbAppreciationDay, #RedSockDay, #PlutoDay
#holidays #worldwhaleday #worldpangolinday #nationalcrabstuffedflounderday #nationaldrinkwineday #nationalbatteryday #cowmilkedwhileflyinginanairplaneday #thumbappreciationday #redsockday #plutoday