I'm gonna say it: The way Spidey eats burritos is a war crime.
Holy shit, I was just thinking about what kind of burrito I was going to order today, and I didn't even know!
RT @KBMorrison15
Happy #NationalBurritoDay !!! π―
Did you know today is National Burrito Day? Here are restaurants in the United States that are celebrating the day with special deals.
Well, now I'm drinking #kava and #nationalburritoday can go to hell!
#kava #nationalburritoday #mentalhealth #anxiety #depression
"The powers that be have decreed the first Thursday in April to be National Burrito Day, and a number of national chains are celebrating accordingly."
The powers that be? How about those people selling burritos have decreed...
Idiots! Now we need to have a national day for every damn thing.
"Today is the National Doorknob Day... Hur hur hur..."
#the #stupid #it #hurts #nationalburritoday #morons #idiots
#holidays #WorldTableTennisDay, #InternationalDayOfSportForDevelopmentAndPeace, #NationalSiameseCatDay, #NationalStudentAthleteDay, #NationalCaramelPopcornDay, #NationalAlcoholScreeningDay, #NationalTeflonDay, #NationalBurritoDay, #ChurchOfLatterDaySaintsDay, #DrowsyDriversAwarenessDay, #PlanYourEpitaphDay, #JumpOverThingsDay, #NewBeersEve, #FreshTomatoDay, #TwinkieDay, #TartanDay, #ArmyDay, #Passover
#holidays #worldtabletennisday #internationaldayofsportfordevelopmentandpeace #nationalsiamesecatday #nationalstudentathleteday #nationalcaramelpopcornday #nationalalcoholscreeningday #nationalteflonday #nationalburritoday #churchoflatterdaysaintsday #drowsydriversawarenessday #planyourepitaphday #jumpoverthingsday #newbeerseve #freshtomatoday #twinkieday #tartanday #armyday #passover
#holidays #WorldTableTennisDay, #InternationalDayOfSportForDevelopmentAndPeace, #NationalSiameseCatDay, #NationalStudentAthleteDay, #NationalCaramelPopcornDay, #NationalAlcoholScreeningDay, #NationalTeflonDay, #NationalBurritoDay, #ChurchOfLatterDaySaintsDay, #DrowsyDriversAwarenessDay, #PlanYourEpitaphDay, #JumpOverThingsDay, #NewBeersEve, #FreshTomatoDay, #TwinkieDay, #TartanDay, #ArmyDay, #Passover
#holidays #worldtabletennisday #internationaldayofsportfordevelopmentandpeace #nationalsiamesecatday #nationalstudentathleteday #nationalcaramelpopcornday #nationalalcoholscreeningday #nationalteflonday #nationalburritoday #churchoflatterdaysaintsday #drowsydriversawarenessday #planyourepitaphday #jumpoverthingsday #newbeerseve #freshtomatoday #twinkieday #tartanday #armyday #passover
It's #NationalBurritoDay and, dammit, I am quarantined without any tortillas!
No idea what #NationalBurritoDay is but it inspired me to get a carnitas burrito at Los Gallos Taqueria. #yum
BURRITO UPDATE: I have just been informed it is #NationalBurritoDay, meaning my joke is now "topical"