So now that the #Pac12 is essentially no more, what happens to the #RoseBowl ? Seeing that it was the Bowl that had representatives from the #ConferenceofChampions and the #Big10 facing off. I know that now with the #NationalChampionship decided by a playoff format with the games rotating through the major bowls, it seems like #TheGrandaddy of them all has lost some shine.
#pac12 #rosebowl #conferenceofchampions #big10 #nationalchampionship #thegrandaddy
Today in #Connecticut History, April 6: UConn First to Win Dual NCAA Basketball Championships
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#21stcentury #april #collegebasketball #collegehoops #collegesports #connecticutfirsts #connecticuthistory #dianataurasi #emekaokafor #genoauriemma #hartfordcourant #jimcalhoun #nationalchampionship #ncaabasketball
#connecticut #21stcentury #april #collegebasketball #collegehoops #collegesports #connecticutfirsts #connecticuthistory #dianataurasi #emekaokafor #genoauriemma #hartfordcourant #jimcalhoun #nationalchampionship #ncaabasketball
Portnoy, Olbermann, etc. are so enculturated with their brands of bigotry that they do not know the rest of the world is aware of their memetics.
Critiques of “classlessness” are already parodic internet categories anyone with a r/nba follow can join in disabusing lol
Davey boy, you’ve fallen into my trap.
#angelreese #nationalchampionship
RT @MarchMadnessMBB
Jim Nantz watching his last One Shining Moment ❤️
The best way to end a season.
RT @MarchMadnessMBB
One Shining Moment 🙌
RT @MarchMadnessMBB
An unbelievable tournament and a well-earned honor, Adama Sanogo is named Most Oustanding Player! 🙌
RT @MarchMadnessMBB
.@UConnMBB's road to a #NationalChampionship title 🐺
What a run for the Huskies 👏
RT @MarchMadnessMBB
"Thank you for being my friend"
One final goodbye from Jim Nantz at the #NationalChampionship 👏
RT @awfulannouncing
"Hurley and the Huskies have their dreams come true!"- Jim Nantz 🏀🎙️🏆 #NationalChampionship
Congratulations UConn on the #NationalChampionship win. Thanks for following so I could help you keep up with all the nailbiters. Some wild tournament action all around! True fans grab a sticker:
See you next year!
#marchmadness #ncaa #ncaawbb
#nationalchampionship #marchmadness #ncaa #ncaawbb
If UCONN somehow finds a way to lose this game, they should be forced to sit and watch one full hour of Angel Reese making hand gestures.
#ncaam #nationalchampionship #marchmadness #sdsvsuconn
#ncaam #nationalchampionship #marchmadness #sdsvsconn #uconn #sdsu
This game just got interesting!
#ncaam #nationalchampionship #marchmadness #sdsvsuconn
I really want to see the Super Mario Bros. Movie.
#NCAAM #NationalChampionship #MarchMadness #SDSvsUCONN #SuperMarioBrosMovie
#ncaam #nationalchampionship #marchmadness #sdsvsuconn #supermariobrosmovie
#NCAAM #NationalChampionship #MarchMadness #SDSvsCONN
Via John Fanta @John_Fanta
You know what's wild? UConn lost 8 games.
All of them came in the Big East.
The Huskies entered the evening having outscored their non-conference opponents by 395 points, averaging a 25-point margin of victory.
#ncaam #nationalchampionship #marchmadness #sdsvsconn
RT @bhofheimer_espn
ICYMI: Classy tribute from @ReceDavis at the end of ESPN's @CollegeGameDay pregame show tonight to @CBSSports' Jim Nantz on his final #NationalChampionship call in his hometown of Houston. #MFinalFour
#nationalchampionship #mfinalfour
RT @MFinalFour
During tonight’s #NationalChampionship game, the four @NASA astronauts who will fly the 2024 Artemis II mission around the moon were honored. 🚀🌕
#mfinalfour #nationalchampionship
UConn lead San Diego by 12 at halftime. Who is the winner at the end of this game? #Huskies #Aztecs #NationalChampionship #NCAA
#ncaa #nationalchampionship #aztecs #huskies
You really have to facepalm Apple when the “call home” feature on the Mac shows up in the middle of a national television broadcast being watched by millions. I hope Tim Cook is watching and hanging his head in shame!
#NCAAM #NationalChampionship #MarchMadness #SDSvsUCONN #Apple :appleinc:
#ncaam #nationalchampionship #marchmadness #sdsvsuconn #apple