Our 2023 Spring Camping Trip: Day Six – Walking in Memphis #BassProShop #bbqrestaurant #BealeStreet #CharlieVergosRendezvous #Geocaching #Graceland #livemusic #LorraineMotel #MartinLutherKingJr #Memphis #NationalCivilRightsMuseum #roadtrip #Travel
#bassproshop #bbqrestaurant #bealestreet #charlievergosrendezvous #geocaching #graceland #livemusic #lorrainemotel #martinlutherkingjr #memphis #nationalcivilrightsmuseum #roadtrip #travel
Visiting the #NationalCivilRightsMuseum recently literally blew me away re: how much #AmericanHistory was suppressed from my long life's knowing.
And still just being intro'd to #BarrettStrong a couple of days ago...such a talent who authored so many of -not only- my favorites but everyones: #Money #War #JustMyImagination #HearditThroughtheGrapevine
How can be? O/c, sadly, we know. Don't miss his original version of 'Money' here. 1959
Just wow.
#hearditthroughthegrapevine #justmyimagination #War #Money #barrettstrong #americanhistory #nationalcivilrightsmuseum