RT @AnastasiaSMihai
#TimeForChange in curriculum & #NationalDNADay so that it is Franklin, Watson & Crick for #discovery!
Wouldnt you agree @FranklinWomen @Melina_Gee @WomenAs1 @WomenSciAUST
#WomenInSTEM https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1650879304698564609
#timeforchange #nationaldnaday #discovery #womeninstem
One of the most profoundly beautiful poems I've ever read. It expresses sentiments I hold ever so dear--but sadly, can only express clumsily. Oh, to have a fraction of this poet's talent! #NatureVsNurture #NationalDNADay #adoption #adopteevoices https://nurtureliterary.com/post/691359549388668929/would-you-rather
#adopteevoices #adoption #nationaldnaday #naturevsnurture
It's National DNA Day!
I'm #adopted , so until I had my #DNA tested by 23andMe, AncestryDNA, & FTDNA, I had no idea who or what I was. My adopters told me I was French. Turns out, I'm #Basque , #Finnish , #Norwegian , a little #Irish , a little #English .
Do you know your ethnicity? I find the subject fascinating--prolly bc I was always denied my most fundamental truths re: ancestry & heritage. If you'd like to share, I'd love to hear your story. #NationalDNADay #adoption #AdopteeVoices
#adopteevoices #adoption #nationaldnaday #english #irish #norwegian #Finnish #basque #dna #adopted
RT @ISS_Research
From RNA isolation to gene editing, next-generation DNA tools and techniques are evolving on the @Space_Station. #NationalDNADay 🧬
Advancing these methods in space is necessary for exploring the cosmos and aiding people in remote areas back on Earth. http://go.nasa.gov/4427NCw
april 25th is #NationalDNADay as approved by the u.s. congress in 2003 to recognize Dicks N' All kinds o shit
Posted @withregram • @decodemestudy Today is #NationalDNADay Genetic studies have transformed our understanding of many diseases. By studying your DNA, we aim to identify the genetic differences in those with #MECFS. Join #DecodeME today https://shorturl.at/kmnK7
#PwME #DNA #GWAS #Genetics
@mecfs @cfs #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #mecfs #cfs #pwme #cfsme
#nationaldnaday #mecfs #decodeme #pwme #dna #GWAS #genetics #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #chronicfatiguesyndrome #cfs #cfsme
Daily #Hashtags for April
01 #AprilFoolsDay #WalktoWorkDay
02 #WorldAutismAwarenessDay
03 #FindaRainbowDay #WorldPartyDay
04 #InternationalCarrotDay #InternationalDayforMineAwareness #WorldRatDay
05 #NationalMaritimeDay
06 #NationalWalkingDay #SiameseCatDay
07 #GoodFriday #WorldHealthDay #NationalBeerDay
08 #DayofSilence
09 #EasterSunday
10 #NationalHugYourDogDay #FarmAnimalsDay #SiblingsDay #WorldHomeopathyDay
11 #NationalPetDay #NationalSafeMotherhoodDay
12 #InternationalDayofHumanSpaceFlight #LibraryWorkersDay
13 #InternationalPlantAppreciationDay
14 #NationalGardeningDay #LookUpattheSkyDay
15 #TitanicRemembranceDay #WorldArtDay
16 #HusbandAppreciationDay #NationalLibrarianDay
17 #InternationalHaikuPoetryDay #WorldHaemophiliaDay
18 #WorldHeritageDay
19 #WorldLiverDay
20 #NationalLookAlikeDay
21 #HighFiveDay
22 #EarthDay
23 #WorldBookDay #NationalPicnicDay #ShakespeareDay #EnglishLanguageDay
24 #WorldLaboratoryDay
25 #ANZACDay #NationalDNADay #WorldMalariaDay
26 #WorldIntellectualPropertyDay
27 #TellaStoryDay
28 #StopFoodWasteDay #WorldDayforSafetyandHealthatWork
29 #InternationalDanceDay #NationalArborDay
30 #InternationalJazzDay #HonestyDay #WorldVeterinaryDay
#hashtags #aprilfoolsday #walktoworkday #worldautismawarenessday #findarainbowday #worldpartyday #internationalcarrotday #internationaldayformineawareness #worldratday #nationalmaritimeday #nationalwalkingday #siamesecatday #goodfriday #worldhealthday #nationalbeerday #dayofsilence #eastersunday #nationalhugyourdogday #farmanimalsday #siblingsday #worldhomeopathyday #nationalpetday #nationalsafemotherhoodday #InternationalDayofHumanSpaceFlight #libraryworkersday #internationalplantappreciationday #nationalgardeningday #lookupattheskyday #titanicremembranceday #worldartday #husbandappreciationday #nationallibrarianday #internationalhaikupoetryday #worldhaemophiliaday #worldheritageday #worldliverday #nationallookalikeday #highfiveday #earthday #worldbookday #nationalpicnicday #shakespeareday #englishlanguageday #worldlaboratoryday #anzacday #nationaldnaday #WorldMalariaDay #WorldIntellectualPropertyDay #tellastoryday #stopfoodwasteday #WorldDayForSafetyAndHealthAtWork #internationaldanceday #nationalarborday #internationaljazzday #honestyday #worldveterinaryday